import path from 'path' import consola from 'consola' import fsExtra from 'fs-extra' import htmlMinifier from 'html-minifier' import Generator from '../src/generator' import { createNuxt } from './__utils__' jest.mock('path') jest.mock('fs-extra') jest.mock('html-minifier') jest.mock('@nuxt/utils') describe('generator: generate route', () => { const sep = path.sep beforeAll(() => { path.sep = '[sep]' path.join.mockImplementation((...args) => `join(${args.join(', ')})`) path.dirname.mockImplementation((...args) => `dirname(${args.join(', ')})`) }) afterAll(() => { path.sep = sep }) beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) test('should generate route', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() = { minify: false } nuxt.options.generate.minify = undefined nuxt.options.generate.subFolders = false const generator = new Generator(nuxt) path.join.mockClear() const route = '/foo/' const payload = {} const errors = [] const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route, payload, errors }) expect(nuxt.server.renderRoute).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.server.renderRoute).toBeCalledWith('/foo/', { _generate: true, payload }) expect(path.join).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(path.join).nthCalledWith(1, '[sep]', '/foo.html') expect(path.join).nthCalledWith(2, generator.distPath, 'join([sep], /foo.html)') expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(nuxt.callHook).nthCalledWith(1, 'generate:page', { route, html: 'rendered html', path: `join(${generator.distPath}, join([sep], /foo.html))` }) expect(nuxt.callHook).nthCalledWith(2, 'generate:routeCreated', { route, errors: [], path: `join(${generator.distPath}, join([sep], /foo.html))` }) expect(fsExtra.mkdirp).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(fsExtra.mkdirp).toBeCalledWith(`dirname(join(${generator.distPath}, join([sep], /foo.html)))`) expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledWith(`join(${generator.distPath}, join([sep], /foo.html))`, 'rendered html', 'utf8') expect(returned).toEqual(true) }) test('should create unhandled error if render route has any exception', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() const error = new Error('render route failed') nuxt.server.renderRoute.mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw error }) const generator = new Generator(nuxt) generator._formatErrors = jest.fn(() => 'formatted errors') const route = '/foo' const payload = {} const errors = [] const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route, payload, errors }) expect(nuxt.server.renderRoute).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.server.renderRoute).toBeCalledWith('/foo', { _generate: true, payload }) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledWith('generate:routeFailed', { route, errors: [{ type: 'unhandled', route, error }] }) expect(generator._formatErrors).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(generator._formatErrors).toBeCalledWith([{ type: 'unhandled', route, error }]) expect(consola.error).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.error).toBeCalledWith('formatted errors') expect(errors).toEqual([{ error, route, type: 'unhandled' }]) expect(returned).toEqual(false) }) test('should create handled error if render route failed', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() = { minify: false } nuxt.options.generate.minify = undefined const error = new Error('render route failed') nuxt.server.renderRoute.mockReturnValueOnce({ html: 'renderer html', error }) const generator = new Generator(nuxt) const route = '/foo' const payload = {} const errors = [] const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route, payload, errors }) expect(consola.error).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.error).toBeCalledWith('Error generating /foo') expect(errors).toEqual([{ error, route, type: 'handled' }]) expect(returned).toEqual(true) }) test('should warn generate.minify deprecation message', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() = { minify: false } nuxt.options.generate.minify = false const generator = new Generator(nuxt) const route = '/foo' const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route }) expect(consola.warn).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(consola.warn).toBeCalledWith( 'generate.minify has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. Use build.html.minify instead!' ) expect(returned).toEqual(true) }) test('should minify generated html', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() = { minify: { value: 'test-minify' } } nuxt.options.generate.minify = undefined const generator = new Generator(nuxt) htmlMinifier.minify.mockReturnValueOnce('minified rendered html') const route = '/foo' const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route }) expect(htmlMinifier.minify).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(htmlMinifier.minify).toBeCalledWith('rendered html', { value: 'test-minify' }) expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledWith(`join(${generator.distPath}, join([sep], /foo.html))`, 'minified rendered html', 'utf8') expect(returned).toEqual(true) }) test('should create unhandled error if minify failed', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() = { minify: { value: 'test-minify' } } nuxt.options.generate.minify = undefined const generator = new Generator(nuxt) htmlMinifier.minify.mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error('minify html failed') }) const route = '/foo' const errors = [] const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route, errors }) expect(htmlMinifier.minify).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(htmlMinifier.minify).toBeCalledWith('rendered html', { value: 'test-minify' }) expect(errors).toEqual([{ route, type: 'unhandled', error: new Error('HTML minification failed. Make sure the route generates valid HTML. Failed HTML:\n rendered html') }]) expect(returned).toEqual(true) }) test('should generate file in sub folder', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() = { minify: false } nuxt.options.generate.subFolders = true const generator = new Generator(nuxt) path.join.mockClear() const route = '/foo' const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route }) expect(path.join).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(path.join).nthCalledWith(1, route, '[sep]', 'index.html') expect(path.join).nthCalledWith(2, generator.distPath, 'join(/foo, [sep], index.html)') expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledWith(`join(${generator.distPath}, join(/foo, [sep], index.html))`, 'rendered html', 'utf8') expect(returned).toEqual(true) }) test('should generate 404 file in flat folder', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() = { minify: false } nuxt.options.generate.subFolders = true const generator = new Generator(nuxt) path.join.mockClear() path.join.mockReturnValueOnce('/404/index.html') const route = '/404' const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route }) expect(path.join).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(path.join).nthCalledWith(1, route, '[sep]', 'index.html') expect(path.join).nthCalledWith(2, generator.distPath, '/404.html') expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledWith(`join(${generator.distPath}, /404.html)`, 'rendered html', 'utf8') expect(returned).toEqual(true) }) test('should generate file in flat folder if route is epmty', async () => { const nuxt = createNuxt() = { minify: false } const generator = new Generator(nuxt) path.join.mockClear() const route = '' const returned = await generator.generateRoute({ route }) expect(path.join).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(path.join).nthCalledWith(1, '[sep]', 'index.html') expect(path.join).nthCalledWith(2, generator.distPath, 'join([sep], index.html)') expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(fsExtra.writeFile).toBeCalledWith(`join(${generator.distPath}, join([sep], index.html))`, 'rendered html', 'utf8') expect(returned).toEqual(true) }) })