--- title: "nuxi init" description: The init command initializes a fresh Nuxt project. links: - label: Source icon: i-simple-icons-github to: https://github.com/nuxt/cli/blob/main/packages/nuxi/src/commands/init.ts size: xs --- ```bash [Terminal] npx nuxi init [DIR] [--cwd=] [-t, --template] [-f, --force] [--offline] [--preferOffline] [--no-install] [--gitInit] [--shell] [--packageManager] ``` The `init` command initializes a fresh Nuxt project using [unjs/giget](https://github.com/unjs/giget). ## Arguments Argument | Description --- | --- `DIR=""` | Project directory ## Options Option | Default | Description --- | --- | --- `--cwd=` | `.` | Specify the working directory `-t, --template` | | Template name `-f, --force` | | Override existing directory `--offline` | | Force offline mode `--preferOffline` | | Prefer offline mode `--no-install` | | Skip installing dependencies `--gitInit` | | Initialize git repository `--shell` | | Start shell after installation in project directory `--packageManager` | | Package manager choice (npm, pnpm, yarn, bun) ## Environment variables - `NUXI_INIT_REGISTRY`: Set to a custom template registry. ([learn more](https://github.com/unjs/giget#custom-registry)). - Default registry is loaded from [nuxt/starter/templates](https://github.com/nuxt/starter/tree/templates/templates)