import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex) let storeData = {} let files void (function updateModules() { files = require.context('@/<%= %>', true, /^\.\/(?!<%= ignorePrefix %>)[^.]+\.(<%= extensions %>)$/) const filenames = files.keys() // Check if {}/index.js exists const indexFilename = filenames.find(filename => filename.includes('./index.')) if (indexFilename) { storeData = getModule(indexFilename) } // If store is not an exported method = modules store if (typeof storeData !== 'function') { // Store modules if (!storeData.modules) { storeData.modules = {} } for (const filename of filenames) { let name = filename.replace(/^\.\//, '').replace(/\.(<%= extensions %>)$/, '') if (name === 'index') continue const namePath = name.split(/\//) name = namePath[namePath.length - 1] if (['state', 'getters', 'actions', 'mutations'].includes(name)) { const module = getModuleNamespace(storeData, namePath, true) appendModule(module, filename, name) continue } // If file is foo/index.js, it should be saved as foo const isIndex = (name === 'index') if (isIndex) { namePath.pop() } const module = getModuleNamespace(storeData, namePath) const fileModule = getModule(filename) name = namePath.pop() module[name] = module[name] || {} // if file is foo.js, existing properties take priority // because it's the least specific case if (!isIndex) { module[name] = Object.assign({}, fileModule, module[name]) module[name].namespaced = true continue } // if file is foo/index.js we want to overwrite properties from foo.js // but not from appended mods like foo/actions.js const appendedMods = {} if (module[name].appends) { appendedMods.appends = module[name].appends for (const append of module[name].appends) { appendedMods[append] = module[name][append] } } module[name] = Object.assign({}, module[name], fileModule, appendedMods) module[name].namespaced = true } // If the environment supports hot reloading... <% if (isDev) { %> if (process.client && { // Whenever any Vuex module is updated..., () => { // Update `root.modules` with the latest definitions. updateModules() // Trigger a hot update in the store. window.<%= globals.nuxt %>.$store.hotUpdate(storeData) }) }<% } %> } else { const log = (process.server ? require('consola') : console) log.warn('Classic mode for store/ is deprecated and will be removed in Nuxt 3.') } })() // createStore export const createStore = storeData instanceof Function ? storeData : () => { return new Vuex.Store(Object.assign({ strict: (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') }, storeData, { state: storeData.state instanceof Function ? storeData.state() : {} })) } // Dynamically require module function getModule(filename) { const file = files(filename) const module = file.default || file if (module.commit) { throw new Error('[nuxt] <%= %>/' + filename.replace('./', '') + ' should export a method which returns a Vuex instance.') } if (module.state && typeof module.state !== 'function') { throw new Error('[nuxt] state should be a function in <%= %>/' + filename.replace('./', '')) } return module } function getModuleNamespace(storeData, namePath, forAppend = false) { if (namePath.length === 1) { if (forAppend) { return storeData } return storeData.modules } const namespace = namePath.shift() storeData.modules[namespace] = storeData.modules[namespace] || {} storeData.modules[namespace].namespaced = true storeData.modules[namespace].modules = storeData.modules[namespace].modules || {} return getModuleNamespace(storeData.modules[namespace], namePath, forAppend) } function appendModule(module, filename, name) { const file = files(filename) module.appends = module.appends || [] module.appends.push(name) module[name] = file.default || file }