# Nuxt Tailwind CSS + Purgecss > Demo of using Nuxt with Tailwind CSS and Purgecss to drastically reduce CSS size. ## Demo [https://nuxt-tailwindcss-purgecss.surge.sh/](https://nuxt-tailwindcss-purgecss.surge.sh/) ![demo](.github/demo.png) ### Before and after stats The before CSS bundle came out to `299kb`, where as after running it through Purgecss, it dropped to `3kb` (granted I'm only using around a dozen classes). ![tailwind default](.github/tailwind-default.png) ![tailwind purgecss](.github/tailwind-purgecss.png) ### Performance And since the CSS remains inline (due to using Purgecss as a postcss plugin) it scores perfect on Google Page Speed Insights! (This is after running `nuxt generate` and deploying the `dist` folder) ![pagespeed mobile](.github/pagespeed-mobile.png) ![pagespeed desktop](.github/pagespeed-desktop.png)