--- title: "addRouteMiddleware" description: addRouteMiddleware() is a helper function to dynamically add middleware in your application. --- # `addRouteMiddleware` `addRouteMiddleware()` is a helper function to dynamically add route middleware in your Nuxt application. ::alert{type=info} Route middleware are navigation guards stored in the [`middleware/`](/docs/guide/directory-structure/middleware) directory of your Nuxt application (unless [set otherwise](/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config#middleware)). :: ## Usage ```js addRouteMiddleware (name: string | RouteMiddleware, middleware?: RouteMiddleware, options: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions = {}) ``` `addRouteMiddleware()` takes three arguments: - **name** `type: string | RouteMiddleware` `name` can be either a string or a function of type `RouteMiddleware`. Function takes the next route `to` as the first argument and the current route `from` as the second argument, both of which are Vue route objects. Learn more about available properties of [route objects](/docs/api/composables/use-route). - **middleware** `type: RouteMiddleware` The second argument is a function of type `RouteMiddleware`. Same as above, it provides `to` and `from` route objects. It becomes optional if the first argument in `addRouteMiddleware()` is already passed as a function. - **options** `type: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions` An optional `options` argument lets you set the value of `global` to `true` to indicate whether the router middleware is global or not (set to `false` by default). ## Examples ### Anonymous Route Middleware Anonymous route middleware does not have a name. It takes a function as the first argument, making the second `middleware` argument redundant: ```ts [plugins/my-plugin.ts] export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => { addRouteMiddleware((to, from) => { if (to.path === '/forbidden') { return false } }) }) ``` ### Named Route Middleware Named route middleware takes a string as the first argument and a function as the second. When defined in a plugin, it overrides any existing middleware of the same name located in the `middleware/` directory: ```ts [plugins/my-plugin.ts] export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => { addRouteMiddleware('named-middleware', () => { console.log('named middleware added in Nuxt plugin') }) }) ``` ### Global Route Middleware Set an optional, third argument `{ global: true }` to indicate whether the route middleware is global: ```ts [plugins/my-plugin.ts] export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => { addRouteMiddleware('global-middleware', (to, from) => { console.log('global middleware that runs on every route change') }, { global: true } ) }) ```