# Auto Imports
Nuxt auto-imports helper functions, composables and Vue APIs to use across your application without explicitly importing them. Based on the directory structure, every Nuxt application can also use auto-imports for its own components, composables and plugins. Components, composables or plugins can use these functions.
Contrary to a classic global declaration, Nuxt preserves typings and IDEs completions and hints, and only includes what is actually used in your production code.
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In the documentation, every function that is not explicitly imported is auto-imported by Nuxt and can be used as-is in your code.
You can find a reference of auto-imported [composables](/api/composables/) and [utilities](/api/utils/) in the API section.
Auto imports don't currently work within the [server directory](/guide/directory-structure/server).
## Nuxt auto-imports
Nuxt auto-imports functions and composables to perform [data fetching](/guide/features/data-fetching), get access to the [app context](/api/composables/use-nuxt-app) and [runtime config](/guide/features/runtime-config), manage [state](/guide/features/state-management) or define components and plugins.
## Vue auto-imports
Vue 3 exposes Reactivity APIs like `ref` or `computed`, as well as lifecycle hooks and helpers that are auto-imported by Nuxt.
## Directory based auto-imports
Nuxt directly auto-imports files created in defined directories:
- `components/` for [Vue components](/guide/directory-structure/components).
- `composables/` for [Vue composables](/guide/directory-structure/composables).
## Explicit imports
Nuxt exposes every auto-import with the `#imports` alias that can be used to make the import explicit if needed: