import _ from 'lodash' import compression from 'compression' import fs from 'fs-extra' import pify from 'pify' import serveStatic from 'serve-static' import { resolve, join } from 'path' import * as Utils from './utils' import Tapable from 'tapable' import Builder from './builder' import Renderer from './renderer' import Generator from './generator' import ModuleContainer from './module-container' import Server from './server' import Defaults from './defaults' export default class Nuxt extends Tapable { constructor (options = {}) { super() // Normalize options if (options.loading === true) { delete options.loading } if (options.router && typeof options.router.middleware === 'string') { options.router.middleware = [options.router.middleware] } if (options.router && typeof options.router.base === 'string') { this._routerBaseSpecified = true } if (typeof options.transition === 'string') { options.transition = { name: options.transition } } // Apply defaults this.options = _.defaultsDeep(options, Nuxt.Defaults) // Resolve dirs this.options.rootDir = (typeof options.rootDir === 'string' && options.rootDir ? options.rootDir : process.cwd()) this.options.srcDir = (typeof options.srcDir === 'string' && options.srcDir ? resolve(options.rootDir, options.srcDir) : this.options.rootDir) this.options.buildDir = join(this.options.rootDir, options.buildDir) this.componentTasks() // Create instance of core components this.builder = new Nuxt.Builder(this) this.renderer = new Nuxt.Renderer(this) this.generator = new Nuxt.Generator(this) this.moduleContainer = new Nuxt.ModuleContainer(this) // Backward compatibility this.render = this.renderer.render.bind(this.renderer) this.renderRoute = this.renderer.renderRoute.bind(this.renderer) this.renderAndGetWindow = this.renderer.renderAndGetWindow.bind(this.renderer) = this.ready.bind(this) this.generate = this.generator.generate.bind(this.generator) this.dir = options.rootDir this.srcDir = options.srcDir this.buildDir = options.buildDir this.Server = Nuxt.Server this.Utils = Nuxt.Utils // Wait for all core components be ready // eslint-disable-next-line no-console this._ready = this.ready().catch(console.error) } componentTasks () { // TODO: This task should move into their own components instead // Error template this.errorTemplate = _.template(fs.readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, 'views', 'error.html'), 'utf8'), { interpolate: /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g }) // If store defined, update store options to true if (fs.existsSync(join(this.options.srcDir, 'store'))) { = true } // If app.html is defined, set the template path to the user template this.options.appTemplatePath = resolve(__dirname, 'views/app.template.html') if (fs.existsSync(join(this.options.srcDir, 'app.html'))) { this.options.appTemplatePath = join(this.options.srcDir, 'app.html') } // For serving static/ files to / this.serveStatic = pify(serveStatic(resolve(this.options.srcDir, 'static'), this.options.render.static)) // For serving .nuxt/dist/ files (only when build.publicPath is not an URL) this.serveStaticNuxt = pify(serveStatic(resolve(this.options.buildDir, 'dist'), { maxAge: ( ? 0 : '1y') // 1 year in production })) // gzip middleware for production if (! && this.options.render.gzip) { this.gzipMiddleware = pify(compression(this.options.render.gzip)) } } async ready () { if (this._ready) { return this._ready } await this.moduleContainer.ready() await this.builder.ready() return this } close (callback) { let promises = [] /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.webpackDevMiddleware) { const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.webpackDevMiddleware.close(() => resolve()) }) promises.push(p) } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.webpackServerWatcher) { const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.webpackServerWatcher.close(() => resolve()) }) promises.push(p) } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.filesWatcher) { this.filesWatcher.close() } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (this.customFilesWatcher) { this.customFilesWatcher.close() } return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback() }) } } // Add core components to Nuxt class Nuxt.Defaults = Defaults Nuxt.Utils = Utils Nuxt.Renderer = Renderer Nuxt.Builder = Builder Nuxt.ModuleContainer = ModuleContainer Nuxt.Server = Server Nuxt.Generator = Generator