title: Pages
description: Nuxt Kit provides a set of utilities to help you create and use pages. You can use these utilities to manipulate the pages configuration or to define route rules.
  - label: Source
    icon: i-simple-icons-github
    to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/kit/src/pages.ts
    size: xs

## `extendPages`

In Nuxt 3, routes are automatically generated based on the structure of the files in the `pages` directory. However, there may be scenarios where you'd want to customize these routes. For instance, you might need to add a route for a dynamic page not generated by Nuxt, remove an existing route, or modify the configuration of a route. For such customizations, Nuxt 3 offers the `extendPages` feature, which allows you to extend and alter the pages configuration.

### Type

function extendPages (callback: (pages: NuxtPage[]) => void): void

type NuxtPage = {
  name?: string
  path: string
  file?: string
  meta?: Record<string, any>
  alias?: string[] | string
  redirect?: RouteLocationRaw
  children?: NuxtPage[]

### Parameters

#### `callback`

**Type**: `(pages: NuxtPage[]) => void`

**Required**: `true`

A function that will be called with the pages configuration. You can alter this array by adding, deleting, or modifying its elements. Note: You should modify the provided pages array directly, as changes made to a copied array will not be reflected in the configuration.

### Examples

// https://github.com/nuxt-modules/prismic/blob/master/src/module.ts
import { createResolver, defineNuxtModule, extendPages } from '@nuxt/kit'

export default defineNuxtModule({
  setup(options) {
    const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url)

    extendPages((pages) => {
        name: 'prismic-preview',
        path: '/preview',
        file: resolver.resolve('runtime/preview.vue')

## `extendRouteRules`

Nuxt is powered by the [Nitro](https://nitro.unjs.io) server engine. With Nitro, you can incorporate high-level logic directly into your configuration, which is useful for actions like redirects, proxying, caching, and appending headers to routes. This configuration works by associating route patterns with specific route settings.

You can read more about Nitro route rules in the [Nitro documentation](https://nitro.unjs.io/guide/routing#route-rules).

### Type

function extendRouteRules (route: string, rule: NitroRouteConfig, options: ExtendRouteRulesOptions): void

interface NitroRouteConfig {
  cache?: CacheOptions | false;
  headers?: Record<string, string>;
  redirect?: string | { to: string; statusCode?: HTTPStatusCode };
  prerender?: boolean;
  proxy?: string | ({ to: string } & ProxyOptions);
  isr?: number | boolean;
  cors?: boolean;
  swr?: boolean | number;
  static?: boolean | number;

interface ExtendRouteRulesOptions {
  override?: boolean

interface CacheOptions {
  swr?: boolean
  name?: string
  group?: string
  integrity?: any
  maxAge?: number
  staleMaxAge?: number
  base?: string
  headersOnly?: boolean

// See https://www.jsdocs.io/package/h3#ProxyOptions
interface ProxyOptions {
  headers?: RequestHeaders | HeadersInit;
  fetchOptions?: RequestInit & { duplex?: Duplex } & {
    ignoreResponseError?: boolean;
  fetch?: typeof fetch;
  sendStream?: boolean;
  streamRequest?: boolean;
  cookieDomainRewrite?: string | Record<string, string>;
  cookiePathRewrite?: string | Record<string, string>;
  onResponse?: (event: H3Event, response: Response) => void;

### Parameters

#### `route`

**Type**: `string`

**Required**: `true`

A route pattern to match against.

#### `rule`

**Type**: `NitroRouteConfig`

**Required**: `true`

A route configuration to apply to the matched route.

#### `options`

**Type**: `ExtendRouteRulesOptions`

**Default**: `{}`

Options to pass to the route configuration. If `override` is set to `true`, it will override the existing route configuration.

### Examples

// https://github.com/directus/website/blob/main/modules/redirects.ts
import { createResolver, defineNuxtModule, extendRouteRules, extendPages } from '@nuxt/kit'

export default defineNuxtModule({
  setup(options) {
    const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url)

    extendPages((pages) => {
        name: 'preview-new',
        path: '/preview-new',
        file: resolver.resolve('runtime/preview.vue')

    extendRouteRules('/preview', {
      redirect: {
        to: '/preview-new',
        statusCode: 302

    extendRouteRules('/preview-new', {
      cache: {
        maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7

## `addRouteMiddleware`

Registers route middlewares to be available for all routes or for specific routes.

Route middlewares can be also defined in plugins via [`addRouteMiddleware`](/docs/api/utils/add-route-middleware) composable.

Read more about route middlewares in the [Route middleware documentation](/docs/getting-started/routing#route-middleware).

### Type

function addRouteMiddleware (input: NuxtMiddleware | NuxtMiddleware[], options: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions): void

type NuxtMiddleware = {
  name: string
  path: string
  global?: boolean

interface AddRouteMiddlewareOptions {
  override?: boolean

### Parameters

#### `input`

**Type**: `NuxtMiddleware | NuxtMiddleware[]`

**Required**: `true`

A middleware object or an array of middleware objects with the following properties:

- `name` (required)

  **Type**: `string`

  Middleware name.

- `path` (required)

  **Type**: `string`

  Path to the middleware.

- `global` (optional)

  **Type**: `boolean`

  If enabled, registers middleware to be available for all routes.

#### `options`

**Type**: `AddRouteMiddlewareOptions`

**Default**: `{}`

Options to pass to the middleware. If `override` is set to `true`, it will override the existing middleware with the same name.

### Examples


```ts [runtime/auth.ts]
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
  // isAuthenticated() is an example method verifying if a user is authenticated
  if (to.path !== '/login' && isAuthenticated() === false) {
    return navigateTo('/login')

import { createResolver, defineNuxtModule, addRouteMiddleware } from '@nuxt/kit'

export default defineNuxtModule({
  setup() {
    const resolver = createResolver(import.meta.url)

      name: 'auth',
      path: resolver.resolve('runtime/auth.ts'),
      global: true
