'use strict' import ansiHTML from 'ansi-html' import serialize from 'serialize-javascript' import generateETag from 'etag' import fresh from 'fresh' import { getContext, setAnsiColors, encodeHtml } from './utils' const debug = require('debug')('nuxt:render') // force blue color debug.color = 4 setAnsiColors(ansiHTML) export async function render (req, res) { if (!this.renderer && !this.dev) { console.error('> No build files found, please run `nuxt build` before launching `nuxt start`') // eslint-disable-line no-console process.exit(1) } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!this.renderer || !this.appTemplate) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(this.render(req, res)) }, 1000) }) } // Wait for nuxt.js to be ready await this.ready() // Get context const context = getContext(req, res) res.statusCode = 200 try { if (this.dev) { // Call webpack middleware only in development await this.webpackDevMiddleware(req, res) await this.webpackHotMiddleware(req, res) } if (!this.dev && this.options.render.gzip) { await this.gzipMiddleware(req, res) } // If base in req.url, remove it for the middleware and vue-router if (this.options.router.base !== '/' && req.url.indexOf(this.options.router.base) === 0) { // Compatibility with base url for dev server req.url = req.url.replace(this.options.router.base, '/') } // Serve static/ files await this.serveStatic(req, res) // Serve .nuxt/dist/ files (only for production) if (!this.dev && req.url.indexOf(this.options.build.publicPath) === 0) { const url = req.url req.url = req.url.replace(this.options.build.publicPath, '/') await this.serveStaticNuxt(req, res) /* istanbul ignore next */ req.url = url } if (this.dev && req.url.indexOf(this.options.build.publicPath) === 0 && req.url.includes('.hot-update.json')) { res.statusCode = 404 return res.end() } const { html, error, redirected, resourceHints } = await this.renderRoute(req.url, context) if (redirected) { return html } if (error) { res.statusCode = context.nuxt.error.statusCode || 500 } // ETag header if (!error && this.options.render.etag) { const etag = generateETag(html, this.options.render.etag) if (fresh(req.headers, { etag })) { res.statusCode = 304 res.end() return } res.setHeader('ETag', etag) } res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8') res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(html)) // Parse resourceHints to extract HTTP.2 prefetch/push headers // https://w3c.github.io/preload/#server-push-http-2 const regex = /link rel="([^"]*)" href="([^"]*)" as="([^"]*)"/g const pushAssets = [] let m while (m = regex.exec(resourceHints)) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign const [_, rel, href, as] = m // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars if (rel === 'preload') { pushAssets.push(`<${href}>; rel=${rel}; as=${as}`) } } res.setHeader('Link', pushAssets) res.end(html, 'utf8') return html } catch (err) { if (context.redirected) { console.error(err) // eslint-disable-line no-console return err } const html = this.errorTemplate({ /* istanbul ignore if */ error: err, stack: ansiHTML(encodeHtml(err.stack)) }) res.statusCode = 500 res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8') res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(html)) res.end(html, 'utf8') return err } } export async function renderRoute (url, context = {}) { // Wait for modules to be initialized await this.ready() // Log rendered url debug(`Rendering url ${url}`) // Add url and isSever to the context context.url = url context.isServer = true // Call renderToString from the bundleRenderer and generate the HTML (will update the context as well) let APP = await this.renderToString(context) if (!context.nuxt.serverRendered) { APP = '
' } const m = context.meta.inject() let HEAD = m.meta.text() + m.title.text() + m.link.text() + m.style.text() + m.script.text() + m.noscript.text() if (this._routerBaseSpecified) { HEAD += `` } const resourceHints = context.renderResourceHints() HEAD += resourceHints + context.renderStyles() APP += `` APP += context.renderScripts() const html = this.appTemplate({ HTML_ATTRS: 'data-n-head-ssr ' + m.htmlAttrs.text(), BODY_ATTRS: m.bodyAttrs.text(), HEAD, APP }) return { html, resourceHints, error: context.nuxt.error, redirected: context.redirected } } // Function used to do dom checking via jsdom let jsdom = null export async function renderAndGetWindow (url, opts = {}) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!jsdom) { try { jsdom = require('jsdom') } catch (e) { console.error('Fail when calling nuxt.renderAndGetWindow(url)') // eslint-disable-line no-console console.error('jsdom module is not installed') // eslint-disable-line no-console console.error('Please install jsdom with: npm install --save-dev jsdom') // eslint-disable-line no-console process.exit(1) } } let options = { resources: 'usable', // load subresources (https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom#loading-subresources) runScripts: 'dangerously', beforeParse (window) { // Mock window.scrollTo window.scrollTo = () => {} } } if (opts.virtualConsole !== false) { options.virtualConsole = new jsdom.VirtualConsole().sendTo(console) } url = url || 'http://localhost:3000' const { window } = await jsdom.JSDOM.fromURL(url, options) // If Nuxt could not be loaded (error from the server-side) const nuxtExists = window.document.body.innerHTML.includes('window.__NUXT__') if (!nuxtExists) { /* istanbul ignore next */ let error = new Error('Could not load the nuxt app') /* istanbul ignore next */ error.body = window.document.body.innerHTML throw error } // Used by nuxt.js to say when the components are loaded and the app ready await new Promise((resolve) => { window._onNuxtLoaded = () => resolve(window) }) // Send back window object return window }