import { resolve } from 'pathe' import { addTemplate, useNuxt, installModule } from '@nuxt/kit' import metaModule from '../../nuxt3/src/meta/module' import { distDir } from './dirs' const checkDocsMsg = 'Please see for more information.' const msgPrefix = '[bridge] [meta]' interface SetupMetaOptions { needsExplicitEnable?: boolean } export const setupMeta = async (opts: SetupMetaOptions) => { const nuxt = useNuxt() if (opts.needsExplicitEnable) { const metaPath = addTemplate({ filename: 'meta.mjs', getContents: () => `export const useMeta = () => console.warn('${msgPrefix} To use \`useMeta\`, please set \`bridge.meta\` to \`true\` in your \`nuxt.config\`. ${checkDocsMsg}')` }) nuxt.options.alias['#meta'] = metaPath.dst return } if (nuxt.options.head && typeof nuxt.options.head === 'function') { throw new TypeError(`${msgPrefix} The head() function in \`nuxt.config\` has been deprecated and in Nuxt 3 will need to be moved to \`app.vue\`. ${checkDocsMsg}`) } const runtimeDir = resolve(distDir, 'runtime/meta') nuxt.options.alias['#meta'] = runtimeDir await installModule(metaModule) }