import { resolve } from 'path' import { existsSync } from 'fs' import jsdom from 'jsdom' import Glob from 'glob' import pify from 'pify' import { getPort, loadFixture, Nuxt, rp } from '../utils' const glob = pify(Glob) let port const url = route => 'http://localhost:' + port + route let nuxt = null describe('with-config', () => { beforeAll(async () => { const config = await loadFixture('with-config') nuxt = new Nuxt(config) port = await getPort() await nuxt.server.listen(port, 'localhost') }) test('client source map generated', async () => { const jsFiles = await glob(resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures/with-config/.nuxt/dist/client/*.js')) for (const file of jsFiles) { expect(existsSync(`${file}.map`)).toBe(true) } }) test('/', async () => { const { html } = await nuxt.server.renderRoute('/') expect(html).toContain('<h1>I have custom configurations</h1>') }) test('/ (asset name for analyze mode)', async () => { const { html } = await nuxt.server.renderRoute('/') expect(html).toContain('<script src="/test/orion/app.js"') }) test('/ (global styles inlined)', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/')) const html = window.document.head.innerHTML expect(html).toContain('.global-css-selector') }) test('/ (preload fonts)', async () => { const { html } = await nuxt.server.renderRoute('/') expect(html).toContain( '<link rel="preload" href="/test/orion/fonts/7cf5d7c.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin' ) }) test('/ (styleResources styles inlined)', async () => { const { html } = await nuxt.server.renderRoute('/') expect(html).toContain('.pre-process-selector') }) test('/ (custom app.html)', async () => { const { html } = await nuxt.server.renderRoute('/') expect(html).toContain('<p>Made by Nuxt.js team</p>') }) test('/ (custom build.publicPath)', async () => { const { html } = await nuxt.server.renderRoute('/') expect(html).toContain('<script src="/test/orion/') }) test('/ (custom postcss.config.js)', async () => { const { html } = await nuxt.server.renderRoute('/') expect(html).toContain('::-webkit-input-placeholder') }) test('/test/ (custom globalName)', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(html).toContain('id="custom-nuxt-id">') expect(html.includes('id="__nuxt">')).toBe(false) expect(window.__NOXXT__).toBeDefined() expect(window.__NUXT__).toBeUndefined() expect(window.$noxxt).toBeDefined() expect(window.$nuxt).toBeDefined() // for Vue Dev Tools detection }) test('/test/ (router base)', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(window.__NOXXT__.layout).toBe('default') expect(html).toContain('<h1>Default layout</h1>') expect(html).toContain('<h1>I have custom configurations</h1>') expect(window.__test_plugin).toBe(true) expect(window.__test_plugin_ext).toBe(true) expect(window.__test_plugin_client).toBe('test_plugin_client') expect(window.__test_plugin_server).toBeUndefined() }) test('/test/about (custom layout)', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/about')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(window.__NOXXT__.layout).toBe('custom') expect(html).toContain('<h1>Custom layout</h1>') expect(html).toContain('<h1>About page</h1>') }) test('/test/desktop (custom layout in desktop folder)', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/desktop')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(window.__NOXXT__.layout).toBe('desktop/default') expect(html).toContain('<h1>Default desktop layout</h1>') expect(html).toContain('<h1>Desktop page</h1>') }) test('/test/mobile (custom layout in mobile folder)', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/mobile')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(window.__NOXXT__.layout).toBe('mobile/default') expect(html).toContain('<h1>Default mobile layout</h1>') expect(html).toContain('<h1>Mobile page</h1>') }) test('/test/env', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/env')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(html).toContain('<h1>Custom env layout</h1>') expect(html).toContain('"bool": true') expect(html).toContain('"num": 23') expect(html).toContain('"string": "Nuxt.js"') expect(html).toContain('"bool": false') expect(html).toContain('"string": "ok"') expect(html).toContain('"num2": 8.23') expect(html).toContain('"obj": {') expect(html).toContain('"NUXT_ENV_FOO": "manniL"') }) test('/test/error', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/error')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(html).toContain('Error page') }) test('/test/user-agent', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/user-agent')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(html).toContain('<pre>Mozilla') }) test('/test/about-bis (added with extendRoutes)', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/about-bis')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(html).toContain('<h1>Custom layout</h1>') expect(html).toContain('<h1>About page</h1>') expect(html).toContain('<h2>test-meta</h2>') }) test('/test/not-existed should return 404', async () => { await expect(rp(url('/test/not-existed'))) .rejects.toMatchObject({ statusCode: 404 }) }) test('/test/redirect/about-bis (redirect with extendRoutes)', async () => { const window = await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/redirect/about-bis')) const windowHref = window.location.href expect(windowHref).toContain('/test/about-bis') const html = window.document.body.innerHTML expect(html).toContain('<h1>Custom layout</h1>') expect(html).toContain('<h1>About page</h1>') }) test('Check /test/test.txt with custom serve-static options', async () => { const { headers } = await rp(url('/test/test.txt'), { resolveWithFullResponse: true }) expect(headers['cache-control']).toBe('public, max-age=31536000') }) test('Check /test.txt should return 404', async () => { await expect(rp(url('/test.txt'))) .rejects.toMatchObject({ statusCode: 404 }) }) test('should ignore files in .nuxtignore', async () => { await expect(rp(url('/test-ignore'))) .rejects.toMatchObject({ statusCode: 404 }) }) test('renderAndGetWindow options', async () => { const fakeErrorLog = jest.fn() const mockOptions = { beforeParse: jest.fn((window) => { // Mock window.scrollTo window.scrollTo = () => {} window._virtualConsole.emit('jsdomError', new Error('test')) }), virtualConsole: new jsdom.VirtualConsole().sendTo({ error: fakeErrorLog }) } try { await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/error'), mockOptions) } catch (e) {} expect(mockOptions.beforeParse).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(fakeErrorLog).toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('/ with Server-Timing header', async () => { const { headers } = await rp(url('/test'), { resolveWithFullResponse: true }) expect(headers['server-timing']).toMatch(/total;dur=\d+;desc="Nuxt Server Time"/) }) // Close server and ask nuxt to stop listening to file changes afterAll(async () => { await nuxt.close() }) }) describe('server config', () => { test('opens on port defined in server.port', async () => { const config = await loadFixture('with-config') config.server.port = port = await getPort() nuxt = new Nuxt(config) await nuxt.server.listen() await nuxt.server.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/')) }) afterAll(async () => { await nuxt.close() }) })