import test from 'ava' import { resolve } from 'path' const port = 4004 const url = (route) => 'http://localhost:' + port + route let nuxt = null let server = null // Init nuxt.js and create server listening on localhost:4000 test.before('Init Nuxt.js', async t => { const Nuxt = require('../') const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/with-config') let config = require(resolve(rootDir, 'nuxt.config.js')) config.rootDir = rootDir = false nuxt = new Nuxt(config) await server = new nuxt.Server(nuxt) server.listen(port, 'localhost') }) test('/', async t => { const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/') t.true(html.includes('
Node.js')) }) test('/test/about-bis (added with extendRoutes)', async t => { const window = await nuxt.renderAndGetWindow(url('/test/about-bis')) const html = window.document.body.innerHTML t.true(html.includes('Custom layout
')) t.true(html.includes('About page
')) }) test('Check stats.json generated by build.analyze', t => { const stats = require(resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/with-config/.nuxt/dist/stats.json')), 19) }) // Close server and ask nuxt to stop listening to file changes test.after('Closing server and nuxt.js', t => { server.close() nuxt.close() }) test.after('Should be able to start Nuxt with build done', t => { const Nuxt = require('../') const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/with-config') let config = require(resolve(rootDir, 'nuxt.config.js')) config.rootDir = rootDir = false nuxt = new Nuxt(config) })