import { resolve } from 'path' import { spawnSync } from 'child_process' import EventEmitter from 'events' import consola from 'consola' import { readFileSync, existsSync, readJSONSync, writeFileSync, copySync, removeSync } from 'fs-extra' import { builtinsMap } from './builtins' const DEFAULTS = { distDir: 'dist', buildSuffix: process.env.BUILD_SUFFIX } export default class Package extends EventEmitter { constructor(options) { super() // Assign options Object.assign(this, DEFAULTS, options) this.rootDir = this.rootDir || process.cwd() this.distDir = this.resolvePath(this.distDir) this.packageJS = this.resolvePath('package.js') this.packageJSON = this.resolvePath('package.json') // Initialize this.init() } init() { // Try to read package.json if not provided this._readPackage() // Init logger this.logger = consola.withScope( // Try to load package.js this._loadPackageJS() } resolvePath(...args) { return resolve(this.rootDir, ...args) } _readPackage() { this.packageObj = readJSONSync(this.packageJSON) } _loadPackageJS() { if (existsSync(this.packageJS)) { let fn = require(this.packageJS) fn = fn.default || fn if (typeof fn === 'function') { fn(this, { load: (relativeRootDir, opts) => new Package(Object.assign({ rootDir: resolve(this.rootDir, relativeRootDir) }, opts)) }) } } } writePackage() { this.logger.debug('Writing', this.packageJSON) writeFileSync(this.packageJSON, JSON.stringify(this.packageObj, null, 2) + '\n') } generateVersion() { const date = Math.round( / (1000 * 60)) const gitCommit = this.gitShortCommit() const baseVersion = this.packageObj.version.split('-')[0] this.packageObj.version = `${baseVersion}-${date}.${gitCommit}` } convertTo(suffix) {`Converting to ${suffix} package`) this.addNameSuffix(`-${suffix}`) this.generateVersion() this.writePackage() } addNameSuffix(suffix) { if (! { += suffix } } build() { this.emit('build:before') if (this.buildSuffix) { this.convertTo(this.buildSuffix) }'Cleaning up') removeSync(this.distDir)'Building') this.exec('rollup', '-c') this.emit('build:done') } publish(tag = 'latest') {`publishing ${}@${this.packageObj.version} with tag ${tag}`) this.exec('npm', `publish --tag ${tag}`) } copyFieldsFrom(source, fields = []) { for (const field of fields) { this.packageObj[field] = source.packageObj[field] } } copyFilesFrom(source, files) { for (const file of files || source.packageObj.files || []) { const src = resolve(source.rootDir, file) const dst = resolve(this.rootDir, file) copySync(src, dst) } } updateDependencies({ dist, sources = [], extras = [], exclude = [] }) { const dependencies = {} const requireRegex = /require\('([-@/\w]+)'\)/g // Extras for (const name of extras) { dependencies[name] = null } // Scan require() calls inside dist const distSource = readFileSync(resolve(this.rootDir, dist)) let match = requireRegex.exec(distSource) while (match) { const name = match[1] dependencies[name] = null match = requireRegex.exec(distSource) } // Exclude for (const name of exclude) { delete dependencies[name] } const builtins = builtinsMap() // Resolve dependency versions for (const name in dependencies) { // Ignore builtin modules if (builtins[name]) { delete dependencies[name] continue } // Try sources for (const source of sources) { const sourceDeps = source.packageObj.dependencies if (sourceDeps && sourceDeps[name]) { dependencies[name] = sourceDeps[name] break } } // Try to require package.json of dependency if (dependencies[name] === null) { try { const _pkg = require(`${name}/package.json`) if (!_pkg.version) { throw Error('No version specified') } dependencies[name] = `^${_pkg.version}` } catch (e) { this.logger.warn(e) delete dependencies[name] } } } this.packageObj.dependencies = dependencies } exec(command, args, silent = false) { const r = spawnSync(command, args.split(' '), { cwd: this.rootDir }, { env: process.env }) if (!silent) { const fullCommand = command + ' ' + args if (r.error) { this.logger.error(fullCommand, r.error) } else { this.logger.success(fullCommand, r.output) } } return { error: r.error, pid:, status: r.status, signal: r.signal, stdout: String(r.stdout).trim(), stderr: String(r.stderr).trim(), output: (r.output || []) .map(l => String(l).trim()) .filter(l => l.length) .join('\n') } } gitShortCommit() { return this.exec('git', 'rev-parse --short HEAD', true).stdout } gitBranch() { return this.exec('git', 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', true).stdout } }