import { cloneVNode, createElementBlock, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, h, onMounted, provide, ref } from 'vue' import type { ComponentInternalInstance, ComponentOptions, InjectionKey } from 'vue' import { isPromise } from '@vue/shared' import { useNuxtApp } from '../nuxt' import ServerPlaceholder from './server-placeholder' import { elToStaticVNode } from './utils' export const clientOnlySymbol: InjectionKey = Symbol.for('nuxt:client-only') const STATIC_DIV = '
' export default defineComponent({ name: 'ClientOnly', inheritAttrs: false, props: ['fallback', 'placeholder', 'placeholderTag', 'fallbackTag'], setup (_, { slots, attrs }) { const mounted = ref(false) onMounted(() => { mounted.value = true }) // Bail out of checking for pages/layouts as they might be included under `` 🤷‍♂️ if ( { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() nuxtApp._isNuxtPageUsed = true nuxtApp._isNuxtLayoutUsed = true } provide(clientOnlySymbol, true) return (props: any) => { if (mounted.value) { return slots.default?.() } const slot = slots.fallback || slots.placeholder if (slot) { return slot() } const fallbackStr = props.fallback || props.placeholder || '' const fallbackTag = props.fallbackTag || props.placeholderTag || 'span' return createElementBlock(fallbackTag, attrs, fallbackStr) } }, }) const cache = new WeakMap() /* @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ export function createClientOnly (component: T) { if (import.meta.server) { return ServerPlaceholder } if (cache.has(component)) { return cache.get(component) } const clone = { ...component } if (clone.render) { // override the component render (non script setup component) or dev mode clone.render = (ctx: any, cache: any, $props: any, $setup: any, $data: any, $options: any) => { if ($setup.mounted$ ?? ctx.mounted$) { const res = component.render?.bind(ctx)(ctx, cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) return (res.children === null || typeof res.children === 'string') ? cloneVNode(res) : h(res) } return elToStaticVNode(ctx._.vnode.el, STATIC_DIV) } } else if (clone.template) { // handle runtime-compiler template clone.template = ` ` } clone.setup = (props, ctx) => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const mounted$ = ref(nuxtApp.isHydrating === false) const instance = getCurrentInstance()! if (nuxtApp.isHydrating) { const attrs = { ...instance.attrs } // remove existing directives during hydration const directives = extractDirectives(instance) // prevent attrs inheritance since a staticVNode is rendered before hydration for (const key in attrs) { delete instance.attrs[key] } onMounted(() => { Object.assign(instance.attrs, attrs) instance.vnode.dirs = directives }) } onMounted(() => { mounted$.value = true }) const setupState = component.setup?.(props, ctx) || {} if (isPromise(setupState)) { return Promise.resolve(setupState).then((setupState) => { if (typeof setupState !== 'function') { setupState = setupState || {} setupState.mounted$ = mounted$ return setupState } return (...args: any[]) => { if (mounted$.value || !nuxtApp.isHydrating) { const res = setupState(...args) return (res.children === null || typeof res.children === 'string') ? cloneVNode(res) : h(res) } return elToStaticVNode(instance?.vnode.el, STATIC_DIV) } }) } else { if (typeof setupState === 'function') { return (...args: any[]) => { if (mounted$.value) { return h(setupState(...args), ctx.attrs) } return elToStaticVNode(instance?.vnode.el, STATIC_DIV) } } return Object.assign(setupState, { mounted$ }) } } cache.set(component, clone) return clone } function extractDirectives (instance: ComponentInternalInstance | null) { if (!instance || !instance.vnode.dirs) { return null } const directives = instance.vnode.dirs instance.vnode.dirs = null return directives }