--- head.title: 'Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3: Runtime Config' head.titleTemplate: '' --- # Runtime Config If you wish to reference environment variables within your Nuxt 3 app, you will need to use runtime config. When referencing these variables within your components, you will have to use the `useRuntimeConfig` composable in your setup method (or Nuxt plugin). In the `server/` portion of your app, you can import `useRuntimeConfig` directly from `#nitro`. [Read more about runtime config](/guide/features/runtime-config). ## Migration 1. Add any environment variables you use in your app to your `publicRuntimeConfig` or `privateRuntimeConfig`. 1. Migrate `process.env` to `useRuntimeConfig` throughout the Vue part of your app. ## Example ::code-group ```ts [nuxt.config.ts] import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3' export default defineNuxtConfig({ publicRuntimeConfig: { BASE_URL: process.env.BASE_URL || 'https://nuxtjs.org' }, privateRuntimeConfig: { // variables that can only be accessed on server-side }, }) ``` ```vue [pages/index.vue] ``` ```ts [server/api/hello.ts] import { useRuntimeConfig } from '#nitro'; const config = useRuntimeConfig() export default (req, res) => { // you can now access config.BASE_URL return { baseURL: config.BASE_URL } } ``` ::