#!/usr/bin/env node const { readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs-extra') const { resolve } = require('path') const { spawnSync } = require('child_process') // paths const packagePath = resolve(__dirname, '..', 'package.json') // Read original contents of package.json const originalPackage = readFileSync(packagePath, 'utf-8') // Write to backup file // writeFileSync(packagePath + '.backup', originalPackage) // Parse package.json const p = JSON.parse(originalPackage) // Change package name p.name = 'nuxt-next' // Get latest git commit id const gitCommit = String(spawnSync('git', 'rev-parse --short HEAD'.split(' ')).stdout).trim() // Version with git tag p.version = p.version.split('-')[0] + '-gh-' + gitCommit // Write package.json writeFileSync(packagePath, JSON.stringify(p, null, 2) + '\r\n') // Log console.log(p.name + '@' + p.version) // eslint-disable-line no-console