import mri from 'mri' import { red } from 'colorette' import type { ConsolaReporter } from 'consola' import consola from 'consola' import { checkEngines } from './utils/engines' import type { Command, NuxtCommand } from './commands' import { commands } from './commands' import { showHelp } from './utils/help' import { showBanner } from './utils/banner' async function _main () { const _argv = (process.env.__CLI_ARGV__ ? JSON.parse(process.env.__CLI_ARGV__) : process.argv).slice(2) const args = mri(_argv, { boolean: [ 'no-clear' ] }) // @ts-ignore const command = args._.shift() || 'usage' showBanner(command === 'dev' && args.clear !== false && ! if (!(command in commands)) { console.log('\n' + red('Invalid command ' + command)) await commands.usage().then(r => r.invoke()) process.exit(1) } // Check Node.js version in background setTimeout(() => { checkEngines().catch(() => {}) }, 1000) // @ts-ignore default.default is hotfix for #621 const cmd = await commands[command as Command]() as NuxtCommand if (args.h || { showHelp(cmd.meta) } else { const result = await cmd.invoke(args) return result } } // Wrap all console logs with consola for better DX consola.wrapAll() // Filter out unwanted logs // TODO: Use better API from consola for intercepting logs const wrapReporter = (reporter: ConsolaReporter) => { log (logObj, ctx) { if (!logObj.args || !logObj.args.length) { return } const msg = logObj.args[0] if (typeof msg === 'string' && !process.env.DEBUG) { // Hide vue-router 404 warnings if (msg.startsWith('[Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path')) { return } // Hide sourcemap warnings related to node_modules if (msg.startsWith('Sourcemap') && msg.includes('node_modules')) { return } } return reporter.log(logObj, ctx) } } // @ts-expect-error consola._reporters = process.on('unhandledRejection', err => consola.error('[unhandledRejection]', err)) process.on('uncaughtException', err => consola.error('[uncaughtException]', err)) export function main () { _main() .then((result) => { if (result === 'error') { process.exit(1) } else if (result !== 'wait') { process.exit() } }) .catch((error) => { consola.error(error) process.exit(1) }) }