import Command from '../../src/command' import { common, server } from '../../src/options' import { consola } from '../utils' jest.mock('@nuxt/core') jest.mock('@nuxt/builder') jest.mock('@nuxt/generator') const allOptions = { ...common, ...server } describe('cli/command', () => { beforeEach(() => jest.restoreAllMocks()) test('builds minimist options', () => { const cmd = new Command({ options: allOptions }) const minimistOptions = cmd._getMinimistOptions() expect(minimistOptions.string.length).toBe(4) expect(minimistOptions.boolean.length).toBe(4) expect(minimistOptions.alias.c).toBe('config-file') expect(minimistOptions.default.c).toBe(common['config-file'].default) }) test('parses args', () => { const cmd = new Command({ options: { ...common, ...server } }) let args = ['-c', 'test-file', '-s', '-p', '3001'] let argv = cmd.getArgv(args) expect(argv['config-file']).toBe(args[1]) expect( expect(argv.universal).toBe(false) expect(argv.port).toBe('3001') args = ['--no-build'] argv = cmd.getArgv(args) expect( }) test('prints version automatically', () => { const cmd = new Command() cmd.showVersion = jest.fn() const args = ['--version'] cmd.getArgv(args) expect(cmd.showVersion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('prints help automatically', () => { const cmd = new Command({ options: allOptions }) cmd.showHelp = jest.fn() const args = ['-h'] cmd.getArgv(args) expect(cmd.showHelp).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('returns nuxt config', async () => { const cmd = new Command({ options: allOptions }) const args = ['-c', 'test-file', '-a', '-p', '3001', '-q', '-H'] const argv = cmd.getArgv(args) argv._ = ['.'] const options = await cmd.getNuxtConfig(argv, { testOption: true }) expect(options.testOption).toBe(true) expect(options.server.port).toBe(3001) expect(consola.fatal).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Provided hostname argument has no value') // hostname check }) test('returns Nuxt instance', async () => { const cmd = new Command() const nuxt = await cmd.getNuxt() expect('Nuxt') expect(typeof nuxt.ready).toBe('function') }) test('returns Builder instance', async () => { const cmd = new Command() const builder = await cmd.getBuilder() expect('Builder') expect(typeof'function') }) test('returns Generator instance', async () => { const cmd = new Command() const generator = await cmd.getGenerator() expect('Generator') expect(typeof generator.generate).toBe('function') }) test('builds help text', () => { const cmd = new Command({ description: 'a very long description that is longer than 80 chars and ' + 'should wrap to the next line while keeping indentation', usage: 'this is how you do it', options: { ...allOptions, foo: { type: 'boolean', description: 'very long option that is longer than 80 chars and ' + 'should wrap to the next line while keeping indentation' } } }) expect(cmd._getHelp()).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('show version prints to stdout and exits', () => { jest.spyOn(process.stdout, 'write').mockImplementation(() => {}) jest.spyOn(process, 'exit').mockImplementationOnce(code => code) const cmd = new Command() cmd.showVersion() expect(process.stdout.write).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(process.exit).toHaveBeenCalled() process.stdout.write.mockRestore() process.exit.mockRestore() }) test('show help prints to stdout and exits', () => { jest.spyOn(process.stdout, 'write').mockImplementation(() => {}) jest.spyOn(process, 'exit').mockImplementationOnce(code => code) const cmd = new Command() cmd.showHelp() expect(process.stdout.write).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(process.exit).toHaveBeenCalled() process.stdout.write.mockRestore() process.exit.mockRestore() }) })