import { resolve } from 'path' import { promisify } from 'util' import Vue from 'vue' import { loadFixture, waitFor } from '../utils' const renderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createRenderer() const renderToString = promisify(renderer.renderToString) let componentDir describe('components', () => { beforeAll(async () => { const config = await loadFixture('basic') componentDir = resolve(config.rootDir, '.nuxt/components') }) describe('nuxt-loading', () => { let VueComponent beforeAll(async () => { const Component = (await import(resolve(componentDir, 'nuxt-loading.vue'))).default VueComponent = Vue.extend(Component) }) test('removed when not loading', async () => { const component = new VueComponent().$mount() const str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).toBe('') }) test('added when loading', async () => { const component = new VueComponent().$mount() component.throttle = 0 component.start() const str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).toBe('
') component.clear() }) test('percentage changed after 1s', async () => { jest.useRealTimers() const component = new VueComponent().$mount() component.duration = 2000 component.throttle = 0 component.start() await waitFor(250) const str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).not.toBe('') expect(str).not.toBe('
') expect(component.$data.percent).not.toBe(0) component.clear() }) test('can be finished', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers() const component = new VueComponent().$mount() component.throttle = 0 component.start() component.finish() let str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).toBe('
') expect(component.$data.percent).toBe(100) jest.runAllTimers() str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).toBe('') expect(component.$data.percent).toBe(0) component.clear() jest.useRealTimers() }) test('can fail', async () => { const component = new VueComponent().$mount() component.set(50) const str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).toBe('
') }) test('not shown until throttle', async () => { const component = new VueComponent().$mount() component.duration = 2000 component.throttle = 1000 component.start() await waitFor(300) let str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).toBe('') await waitFor(1000) str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).not.toBe('') expect(str).not.toBe('
') component.clear() }) test('can pause and resume', async () => { const component = new VueComponent().$mount() component.duration = 2000 component.throttle = 0 component.start() await waitFor(250) let str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).not.toBe('') component.pause() await waitFor(500) const str2 = await renderToString(component) expect(str2).toBe(str) component.resume() await waitFor(500) str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).not.toBe('') expect(str).not.toBe(str2) component.clear() }) test('continues after duration', async () => { const component = new VueComponent().$mount() component.continuous = true component.duration = 500 component.throttle = 0 component.start() await waitFor(850) const str = await renderToString(component) expect(str).not.toBe('') expect(str).not.toBe('
') expect(str).not.toBe('
') expect(str).not.toBe('
') expect(str).not.toBe('
') component.clear() }) }) })