/// import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import { defineEventHandler } from 'h3' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { mountSuspended, registerEndpoint } from '@nuxt/test-utils/runtime' import * as composables from '#app/composables' import { clearNuxtData, refreshNuxtData, useAsyncData, useNuxtData } from '#app/composables/asyncData' import { clearError, createError, isNuxtError, showError, useError } from '#app/composables/error' import { onNuxtReady } from '#app/composables/ready' import { setResponseStatus, useRequestEvent, useRequestFetch, useRequestHeaders } from '#app/composables/ssr' import { clearNuxtState, useState } from '#app/composables/state' import { useRequestURL } from '#app/composables/url' import { getAppManifest, getRouteRules } from '#app/composables/manifest' import { useId } from '#app/composables/id' import { callOnce } from '#app/composables/once' import { useLoadingIndicator } from '#app/composables/loading-indicator' vi.mock('#app/compat/idle-callback', () => ({ requestIdleCallback: (cb: Function) => cb() })) const timestamp = Date.now() registerEndpoint('/_nuxt/builds/latest.json', defineEventHandler(() => ({ id: 'override', timestamp }))) registerEndpoint('/_nuxt/builds/meta/override.json', defineEventHandler(() => ({ id: 'override', timestamp, matcher: { static: { '/': null, '/pre': null, '/pre/test': { redirect: true } }, wildcard: { '/pre': { prerender: true } }, dynamic: {} }, prerendered: ['/specific-prerendered'] }))) registerEndpoint('/api/test', defineEventHandler((event) => ({ method: event.method, headers: Object.fromEntries(event.headers.entries()) }))) describe('app config', () => { it('can be updated', () => { const appConfig = useAppConfig() expect(appConfig).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "nuxt": { "buildId": "override", }, } `) updateAppConfig({ new: 'value', // @ts-expect-error property does not exist nuxt: { nested: 42 } }) expect(appConfig).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "new": "value", "nuxt": { "buildId": "override", "nested": 42, }, } `) }) }) describe('composables', () => { it('are all tested', () => { const testedComposables: string[] = [ 'clearNuxtData', 'refreshNuxtData', 'useAsyncData', 'useNuxtData', 'createError', 'isNuxtError', 'clearError', 'showError', 'useError', 'getAppManifest', 'useHydration', 'getRouteRules', 'onNuxtReady', 'callOnce', 'setResponseStatus', 'prerenderRoutes', 'useRequestEvent', 'useRequestFetch', 'isPrerendered', 'useRequestHeaders', 'clearNuxtState', 'useState', 'useRequestURL', 'useId', 'useRoute', 'navigateTo', 'abortNavigation', 'setPageLayout', 'defineNuxtComponent', ] const skippedComposables: string[] = [ 'addRouteMiddleware', 'defineNuxtRouteMiddleware', 'definePayloadReducer', 'definePayloadReviver', 'loadPayload', 'onBeforeRouteLeave', 'onBeforeRouteUpdate', 'prefetchComponents', 'preloadComponents', 'preloadPayload', 'preloadRouteComponents', 'reloadNuxtApp', 'refreshCookie', 'useCookie', 'useFetch', 'useHead', 'useLazyFetch', 'useLazyAsyncData', 'useRouter', 'useSeoMeta', 'useServerSeoMeta', 'usePreviewMode' ] expect(Object.keys(composables).sort()).toEqual([...new Set([...testedComposables, ...skippedComposables])].sort()) }) }) describe('useAsyncData', () => { it('should work at basic level', async () => { const res = useAsyncData(() => Promise.resolve('test')) expect(Object.keys(res)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "data", "pending", "error", "status", "execute", "refresh", ] `) expect(res instanceof Promise).toBeTruthy() expect(res.data.value).toBe(null) await res expect(res.data.value).toBe('test') }) it('should not execute with immediate: false', async () => { const immediate = await useAsyncData(() => Promise.resolve('test')) expect(immediate.data.value).toBe('test') expect(immediate.status.value).toBe('success') expect(immediate.pending.value).toBe(false) const nonimmediate = await useAsyncData(() => Promise.resolve('test'), { immediate: false }) expect(nonimmediate.data.value).toBe(null) expect(nonimmediate.status.value).toBe('idle') expect(nonimmediate.pending.value).toBe(true) }) it('should capture errors', async () => { const { data, error, status, pending } = await useAsyncData('error-test', () => Promise.reject(new Error('test')), { default: () => 'default' }) expect(data.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"default"') expect(error.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('[Error: test]') expect(status.value).toBe('error') expect(pending.value).toBe(false) expect(useNuxtApp().payload._errors['error-test']).toMatchInlineSnapshot('[Error: test]') // TODO: fix the below // const { data: syncedData, error: syncedError, status: syncedStatus, pending: syncedPending } = await useAsyncData('error-test', () => ({}), { immediate: false }) // expect(syncedData.value).toEqual(null) // expect(syncedError.value).toEqual(error.value) // expect(syncedStatus.value).toEqual('idle') // expect(syncedPending.value).toEqual(true) }) // https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/issues/23411 it('should initialize with error set to null when immediate: false', async () => { const { error, execute } = useAsyncData(() => ({}), { immediate: false }) expect(error.value).toBe(null) await execute() expect(error.value).toBe(null) }) it('should be accessible with useNuxtData', async () => { await useAsyncData('key', () => Promise.resolve('test')) const data = useNuxtData('key') expect(data.data.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"test"') clearNuxtData('key') expect(data.data.value).toBeUndefined() expect(useNuxtData('key').data.value).toBeUndefined() }) it('should be usable _after_ a useNuxtData call', async () => { useNuxtApp().payload.data.call = null const { data: cachedData } = useNuxtData('call') expect(cachedData.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('null') const { data } = await useAsyncData('call', () => Promise.resolve({ resolved: true }), { server: false }) expect(cachedData.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "resolved": true, } `) expect(data.value).toEqual(cachedData.value) clearNuxtData('call') }) it('should be refreshable', async () => { await useAsyncData('key', () => Promise.resolve('test')) clearNuxtData('key') const data = useNuxtData('key') expect(data.data.value).toBeUndefined() await refreshNuxtData('key') expect(data.data.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"test"') }) it('allows custom access to a cache', async () => { const { data } = await useAsyncData(() => ({ val: true }), { getCachedData: () => ({ val: false }) }) expect(data.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "val": false, } `) }) it('should use default while pending', async () => { const promise = useAsyncData(() => Promise.resolve('test'), { default: () => 'default' }) const { data, pending } = promise expect(pending.value).toBe(true) expect(data.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"default"') await promise expect(data.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"test"') }) it('should use default after reject', async () => { const { data } = await useAsyncData(() => Promise.reject(new Error('test')), { default: () => 'default' }) expect(data.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"default"') }) it('should execute the promise function once when dedupe option is "defer" for multiple calls', async () => { const promiseFn = vi.fn(() => Promise.resolve('test')) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn, { dedupe: 'defer' }) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn, { dedupe: 'defer' }) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn, { dedupe: 'defer' }) expect(promiseFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('should execute the promise function multiple times when dedupe option is not specified for multiple calls', async () => { const promiseFn = vi.fn(() => Promise.resolve('test')) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn) expect(promiseFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3) }) it('should execute the promise function as per dedupe option when different dedupe options are used for multiple calls', async () => { const promiseFn = vi.fn(() => Promise.resolve('test')) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn, { dedupe: 'defer' }) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn) useAsyncData('dedupedKey', promiseFn, { dedupe: 'defer' }) expect(promiseFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) }) describe('useFetch', () => { it('should match with/without computed values', async () => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const getPayloadEntries = () => Object.keys(nuxtApp.payload.data).length const baseCount = getPayloadEntries() await useFetch('/api/test') expect(getPayloadEntries()).toBe(baseCount + 1) /* @ts-expect-error Overriding auto-key */ await useFetch('/api/test', { method: 'POST' }, '') /* @ts-expect-error Overriding auto-key */ await useFetch('/api/test', { method: ref('POST') }, '') expect.soft(getPayloadEntries()).toBe(baseCount + 2) /* @ts-expect-error Overriding auto-key */ await useFetch('/api/test', { query: { id: '3' } }, '') /* @ts-expect-error Overriding auto-key */ await useFetch('/api/test', { query: { id: ref('3') } }, '') /* @ts-expect-error Overriding auto-key */ await useFetch('/api/test', { params: { id: '3' } }, '') /* @ts-expect-error Overriding auto-key */ await useFetch('/api/test', { params: { id: ref('3') } }, '') expect.soft(getPayloadEntries()).toBe(baseCount + 3) }) it('should timeout', async () => { const { status, error } = await useFetch( () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)), { timeout: 1 } ) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2)) expect(status.value).toBe('error') expect(error.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('[Error: [GET] "[object Promise]": The operation was aborted.]') }) }) describe('errors', () => { it('createError', () => { expect(createError({ statusCode: 404 }).toJSON()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "message": "", "statusCode": 404, } `) expect(createError('Message').toJSON()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "message": "Message", "statusCode": 500, } `) }) it('isNuxtError', () => { const error = createError({ statusCode: 404 }) expect(isNuxtError(error)).toBe(true) expect(isNuxtError(new Error('test'))).toBe(false) }) it('global nuxt errors', () => { const err = useError() expect(err.value).toBeUndefined() showError('new error') expect(err.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot('[Error: new error]') clearError() // TODO: should this return to being undefined? expect(err.value).toBeNull() }) }) describe('onNuxtReady', () => { it('should call callback once nuxt is hydrated', async () => { const fn = vi.fn() onNuxtReady(fn) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1)) expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('ssr composables', () => { it('work on client', () => { // @ts-expect-error This should work for backward compatibility expect(setResponseStatus()).toBeUndefined() expect(useRequestEvent()).toBeUndefined() expect(useRequestFetch()).toEqual($fetch) expect(useRequestHeaders()).toEqual({}) expect(prerenderRoutes('/')).toBeUndefined() }) }) describe('useHydration', () => { it('should hydrate value from payload', async () => { let val: any const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() useHydration('key', () => {}, (fromPayload) => { val = fromPayload }) await nuxtApp.hooks.callHook('app:created', nuxtApp.vueApp) expect(val).toMatchInlineSnapshot('undefined') nuxtApp.payload.key = 'from payload' await nuxtApp.hooks.callHook('app:created', nuxtApp.vueApp) expect(val).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"from payload"') }) }) describe('useState', () => { it('default', () => { expect(useState(() => 'default').value).toBe('default') }) it('registers state in payload', () => { useState('key', () => 'value') expect(Object.entries(useNuxtApp().payload.state)).toContainEqual(['$skey', 'value']) }) }) describe('clearNuxtState', () => { it('clears state in payload for single key', () => { const key = 'clearNuxtState-test' const state = useState(key, () => 'test') expect(state.value).toBe('test') clearNuxtState(key) expect(state.value).toBeUndefined() }) it('clears state in payload for array of keys', () => { const key1 = 'clearNuxtState-test' const key2 = 'clearNuxtState-test2' const state1 = useState(key1, () => 'test') const state2 = useState(key2, () => 'test') expect(state1.value).toBe('test') expect(state2.value).toBe('test') clearNuxtState([key1, 'other']) expect(state1.value).toBeUndefined() expect(state2.value).toBe('test') clearNuxtState([key1, key2]) expect(state1.value).toBeUndefined() expect(state2.value).toBeUndefined() }) it('clears state in payload for function', () => { const key = 'clearNuxtState-test' const state = useState(key, () => 'test') expect(state.value).toBe('test') clearNuxtState(() => false) expect(state.value).toBe('test') clearNuxtState(k => k === key) expect(state.value).toBeUndefined() }) it('clears all state when no key is provided', () => { const state1 = useState('clearNuxtState-test', () => 'test') const state2 = useState('clearNuxtState-test2', () => 'test') expect(state1.value).toBe('test') expect(state2.value).toBe('test') clearNuxtState() expect(state1.value).toBeUndefined() expect(state2.value).toBeUndefined() }) }) describe('useId', () => { it('default', () => { const vals = new Set() for (let index = 0; index < 100; index++) { mount(defineComponent({ setup () { const id = useId() vals.add(id) return () => h('div', id) } })) } expect(vals.size).toBe(100) }) it('generates unique ids per-component', () => { const component = defineComponent({ setup () { const id = useId() return () => h('div', id) } }) expect(mount(component).html()).not.toBe(mount(component).html()) }) }) describe('url', () => { it('useRequestURL', () => { const url = useRequestURL() expect(url).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"http://localhost:3000/"') expect(url.hostname).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"localhost"') expect(url.port).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"3000"') expect(url.protocol).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"http:"') }) }) describe('loading state', () => { it('expect loading state to be changed by hooks', async () => { vi.stubGlobal('setTimeout', vi.fn((cb: Function) => cb())) const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const { isLoading } = useLoadingIndicator() expect(isLoading.value).toBeFalsy() await nuxtApp.callHook('page:loading:start') expect(isLoading.value).toBeTruthy() await nuxtApp.callHook('page:loading:end') expect(isLoading.value).toBeFalsy() vi.mocked(setTimeout).mockRestore() }) }) describe('loading state', () => { it('expect loading state to be changed by force starting/stoping', async () => { vi.stubGlobal('setTimeout', vi.fn((cb: Function) => cb())) const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() const { isLoading, start, finish } = useLoadingIndicator() expect(isLoading.value).toBeFalsy() await nuxtApp.callHook('page:loading:start') expect(isLoading.value).toBeTruthy() start() expect(isLoading.value).toBeTruthy() finish() expect(isLoading.value).toBeFalsy() }) }) describe.skipIf(process.env.TEST_MANIFEST === 'manifest-off')('app manifests', () => { it('getAppManifest', async () => { const manifest = await getAppManifest() delete manifest.timestamp expect(manifest).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "id": "override", "matcher": { "dynamic": {}, "static": { "/": null, "/pre": null, "/pre/test": { "redirect": true, }, }, "wildcard": { "/pre": { "prerender": true, }, }, }, "prerendered": [ "/specific-prerendered", ], } `) }) it('getRouteRules', async () => { expect(await getRouteRules('/')).toMatchInlineSnapshot('{}') expect(await getRouteRules('/pre')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "prerender": true, } `) expect(await getRouteRules('/pre/test')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "prerender": true, "redirect": true, } `) }) it('isPrerendered', async () => { expect(await isPrerendered('/specific-prerendered')).toBeTruthy() expect(await isPrerendered('/prerendered/test')).toBeTruthy() expect(await isPrerendered('/test')).toBeFalsy() expect(await isPrerendered('/pre/test')).toBeFalsy() expect(await isPrerendered('/pre/thing')).toBeTruthy() }) }) describe('routing utilities: `navigateTo`', () => { it('navigateTo should disallow navigation to external URLs by default', () => { expect(() => navigateTo('https://test.com')).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(`[Error: Navigating to an external URL is not allowed by default. Use \`navigateTo(url, { external: true })\`.]`) expect(() => navigateTo('https://test.com', { external: true })).not.toThrow() }) it('navigateTo should disallow navigation to data/script URLs', () => { const urls = [ ['data:alert("hi")', 'data'], ['\0data:alert("hi")', 'data'], ] for (const [url, protocol] of urls) { expect(() => navigateTo(url, { external: true })).toThrowError(`Cannot navigate to a URL with '${protocol}:' protocol.`) } }) }) describe('routing utilities: `useRoute`', () => { it('should show provide a mock route', async () => { expect(useRoute()).toMatchObject({ fullPath: '/', hash: '', href: '/', matched: [], meta: {}, name: undefined, params: {}, path: '/', query: {}, redirectedFrom: undefined, }) }) }) describe('routing utilities: `abortNavigation`', () => { it('should throw an error if one is provided', () => { const error = useError() expect(() => abortNavigation({ message: 'Page not found' })).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(`[Error: Page not found]`) expect(error.value).toBeFalsy() }) it('should block navigation if no error is provided', () => { expect(abortNavigation()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('false') }) }) describe('routing utilities: `setPageLayout`', () => { it('should set error on page metadata if run outside middleware', () => { const route = useRoute() expect(route.meta.layout).toBeUndefined() setPageLayout('custom') expect(route.meta.layout).toEqual('custom') route.meta.layout = undefined }) it('should not set layout directly if run within middleware', async () => { const route = useRoute() const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() nuxtApp._processingMiddleware = true setPageLayout('custom') expect(route.meta.layout).toBeUndefined() nuxtApp._processingMiddleware = false }) }) describe('defineNuxtComponent', () => { it('should produce a Vue component', async () => { const wrapper = await mountSuspended(defineNuxtComponent({ render: () => h('div', 'hi there') })) expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchInlineSnapshot('"
hi there
"') }) it.todo('should support Options API asyncData') it.todo('should support Options API head') }) describe('callOnce', () => { it('should only call composable once', async () => { const fn = vi.fn() const execute = () => callOnce(fn) await execute() await execute() expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('should only call composable once when called in parallel', async () => { const fn = vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1))) const execute = () => callOnce(fn) await Promise.all([execute(), execute(), execute()]) expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) const fnSync = vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => { }) const executeSync = () => callOnce(fnSync) await Promise.all([executeSync(), executeSync(), executeSync()]) expect(fnSync).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) it('should use key to dedupe', async () => { const fn = vi.fn() const execute = (key?: string) => callOnce(key, fn) await execute('first') await execute('first') await execute('second') expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) })