title: 'Nuxt Guide'
titleTemplate: '%s'
description: 'Learn how Nuxt works with in-depth guides.'
navigation: false
surround: false

  ::card{icon="i-ph-medal-duotone" title="Key Concepts" to="/docs/guide/concepts"}
  Discover the main concepts behind Nuxt, from auto-import, hybrid rendering to its TypeScript support.
  ::card{icon="i-ph-folders-duotone" title="Directory Structure" to="/docs/guide/directory-structure"}
  Learn about Nuxt directory structure and what benefits each directory or file offers.
  ::card{icon="i-ph-star-duotone" title="Going Further" to="/docs/guide/going-further"}
  Master Nuxt with advanced concepts like experimental features, hooks, modules, and more.
  ::card{icon="i-ph-book-open-duotone" title="Recipes" to="/docs/guide/recipes"}
  Find solutions to common problems and learn how to implement them in your Nuxt project.