import os from 'os' import { existsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs' import { createRequire } from 'module' import { resolve, dirname } from 'pathe' import jiti from 'jiti' import destr from 'destr' import { splitByCase } from 'scule' import * as clipboardy from 'clipboardy' import { defineNuxtCommand } from './index' export default defineNuxtCommand({ meta: { name: 'info', usage: 'npx nuxi info [rootDir]', description: 'Get information about nuxt project' }, async invoke (args) { // Resolve rootDir const rootDir = resolve(args._[0] || '.') // Load nuxt.config const nuxtConfig = getNuxtConfig(rootDir) // Find nearest package.json const { dependencies = {}, devDependencies = {} } = findPackage(rootDir) // Utils to query a dependency version const getDepVersion = name => getPkg(name, rootDir)?.version || dependencies[name] || devDependencies[name] const listModules = (arr = []) => arr .map(normalizeConfigModule) .filter(Boolean) .map((name) => { const npmName = name.split('/').splice(0, 2).join('/') // @foo/bar/baz => @foo/bar const v = getDepVersion(npmName) return '`' + (v ? `${name}@${v}` : name) + '`' }) .join(', ') const infoObj = { OperatingSystem: os.type(), NodeVersion: process.version, NuxtVersion: getDepVersion('nuxt') || getDepVersion('nuxt-edge') || (getDepVersion('nuxt3') ? '3-' + getDepVersion('nuxt3') : null), PackageManager: getPackageManager(rootDir), Bundler: (nuxtConfig.vite || nuxtConfig?.buildModules?.find(m => m === 'nuxt-vite')) ? 'Vite' : 'Webpack', UserConfig: Object.keys(nuxtConfig).map(key => '`' + key + '`').join(', '), RuntimeModules: listModules(nuxtConfig.modules), BuildModules: listModules(nuxtConfig.buildModules) } console.log('RootDir:', rootDir) let maxLength = 0 const entries = Object.entries(infoObj).map(([key, val]) => { const label = splitByCase(key).join(' ') if (label.length > maxLength) { maxLength = label.length } return [label, val || '-'] }) let infoStr = '' for (const [label, value] of entries) { infoStr += '- ' + (label + ': ').padEnd(maxLength + 2) + (value.includes('`') ? value : '`' + value + '`') + '\n' } const copied = await clipboardy.write(infoStr).then(() => true).catch(() => false) const splitter = '------------------------------' console.log(`Nuxt project info: ${copied ? '(copied to clipboard)' : ''}\n\n${splitter}\n${infoStr}${splitter}\n`) const isNuxt3 = infoObj.NuxtVersion.startsWith('3') || infoObj.BuildModules.includes('bridge') const repo = isNuxt3 ? 'nuxt/framework' : 'nuxt/nuxt.js' console.log([ `👉 Report an issue:${repo}/issues/new`, `👉 Suggest an improvement:${repo}/discussions/new`, `👉 Read documentation: ${isNuxt3 ? '' : ''}` ].join('\n\n') + '\n') } }) function normalizeConfigModule (module, rootDir) { if (!module) { return null } if (typeof module === 'string') { return module .split(rootDir).pop() // Strip rootDir .split('node_modules').pop() // Strip node_modules .replace(/^\//, '') } if (typeof module === 'function') { return `${}()` } if (Array.isArray(module)) { return normalizeConfigModule(module[0], rootDir) } } function findup (rootDir, fn) { let dir = rootDir while (dir !== dirname(dir)) { const res = fn(dir) if (res) { return res } dir = dirname(dir) } return null } function getPackageManager (rootDir) { return findup(rootDir, (dir) => { if (existsSync(resolve(dir, 'yarn.lock'))) { return 'Yarn' } if (existsSync(resolve(dir, 'package-lock.json'))) { return 'npm' } }) || 'unknown' } function getNuxtConfig (rootDir) { try { return jiti(rootDir, { interopDefault: true })('./nuxt.config') } catch (err) { // TODO: Show error as warning if it is not 404 return {} } } function getPkg (name, rootDir) { // Assume it is in {rootDir}/node_modules/${name}/package.json let pkgPath = resolve(rootDir, 'node_modules', name, 'package.json') // Try to resolve for more accuracy const _require = createRequire(rootDir) try { pkgPath = _require.resolve(name + '/package.json') } catch (_err) { // console.log('not found:', name) } return readJSONSync(pkgPath) } function findPackage (rootDir) { return findup(rootDir, (dir) => { const p = resolve(dir, 'package.json') if (existsSync(p)) { return readJSONSync(p) } }) || {} } function readJSONSync (filePath) { try { return destr(readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8')) } catch (err) { // TODO: Warn error return null } }