import { resolve } from 'path' import chokidar from 'chokidar' import debounce from 'debounce-promise' import { createServer, createLoadingHandler } from '../utils/server' import { showBanner } from '../utils/banner' import { requireModule } from '../utils/cjs' import { error, info } from '../utils/log' import { diff, printDiff } from '../utils/diff' export async function invoke (args) { const server = createServer() const listener = await server.listen({ clipboard: true, open: true }) const rootDir = resolve(args._[0] || '.') const { loadNuxt, buildNuxt } = requireModule('@nuxt/kit', rootDir) const watcherFiles = new Set() const watcher =[rootDir], { ignoreInitial: true, depth: 0 }) let currentNuxt const load = async () => { try { const newNuxt = await loadNuxt({ rootDir, dev: true, ready: false }) watcherFiles.add( let configChanges if (currentNuxt) { configChanges = diff(currentNuxt.options, newNuxt.options, [ 'generate.staticAssets.version', 'env.NITRO_PRESET' ]) server.setApp(createLoadingHandler('Restarting...', 1)) await currentNuxt.close() currentNuxt = newNuxt } else { currentNuxt = newNuxt } showBanner(true) listener.showURL() if (configChanges) { if (configChanges.length) { info('Nuxt config updated:') printDiff(configChanges) } else { info('Restarted nuxt due to config changes') } } await currentNuxt.ready() await buildNuxt(currentNuxt) server.setApp( } catch (err) { error('Cannot load nuxt.', err) server.setApp(createLoadingHandler( 'Error while loading nuxt. Please check console and fix errors.' )) } } const dLoad = debounce(load, 250) watcher.on('all', (_event, file) => { if (watcherFiles.has(file) || file.includes('nuxt.config')) { dLoad() } }) await load() } export const meta = { usage: 'nu dev [rootDir]', description: 'Run nuxt development server' }