title: "nuxi module"
description: "Search and add modules to your Nuxt application with the command line."
  - label: Source
    icon: i-simple-icons-github
    to: https://github.com/nuxt/cli/blob/main/src/commands/module/
    size: xs

Nuxi provides a few utilities to work with [Nuxt modules](/modules) seamlessly.

## nuxi module add

```bash [Terminal]
npx nuxi module add <NAME>

Option        | Default          | Description
`NAME` | - | The name of the module to install.

The command lets you install [Nuxt modules](/modules) in your application with no manual work.

When running the command, it will:
- install the module as a dependency using your package manager
- add it to your [package.json](/docs/guide/directory-structure/package) file
- update your [`nuxt.config`](/docs/guide/directory-structure/nuxt-config) file


Installing the [`Pinia`](/modules/pinia) module
```bash [Terminal]
npx nuxi module add pinia 

## nuxi module search

```bash [Terminal]
npx nuxi module search <QUERY>

Option        | Default          | Description
`QUERY` | - | The name of the module to search for.

The command searches for Nuxt modules matching your query that are compatible with your Nuxt version.


```bash [Terminal]
npx nuxi module search pinia