import { createRequire } from 'module' import { relative, dirname, join, resolve } from 'pathe' import fse from 'fs-extra' import jiti from 'jiti' import defu from 'defu' import { mergeHooks } from 'hookable' import consola from 'consola' import chalk from 'chalk' import dotProp from 'dot-prop' import type { NitroPreset, NitroInput } from '../context' export function hl (str: string) { return chalk.cyan(str) } export function prettyPath (p: string, highlight = true) { p = relative(process.cwd(), p) return highlight ? hl(p) : p } export function compileTemplate (contents: string) { return (params: Record) => contents.replace(/{{ ?([\w.]+) ?}}/g, (_, match) => { const val = dotProp.get(params, match) if (!val) { consola.warn(`cannot resolve template param '${match}' in ${contents.substr(0, 20)}`) } return val as string || `${match}` }) } export function serializeTemplate (contents: string) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string return `(params) => \`${contents.replace(/{{ (\w+) }}/g, '${params.$1}')}\`` } export function jitiImport (dir: string, path: string) { return jiti(dir, { interopDefault: true })(path) } export function tryImport (dir: string, path: string) { try { return jitiImport(dir, path) } catch (_err) { } } export async function writeFile (file: string, contents: string, log = false) { await fse.mkdirp(dirname(file)) await fse.writeFile(file, contents, 'utf-8') if (log) {'Generated', prettyPath(file)) } } export function evalTemplate (ctx, input: string | ((ctx) => string)): string { if (typeof input === 'function') { input = input(ctx) } if (typeof input !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Invalid template: ' + input) } return compileTemplate(input)(ctx) } export function resolvePath (nitroContext: NitroInput, input: string | ((nitroContext: NitroInput) => string), resolveBase: string = ''): string { return resolve(resolveBase, evalTemplate(nitroContext, input)) } export function replaceAll (input: string, from: string, to: string) { return input.replace(new RegExp(from, 'g'), to) } export function detectTarget () { if (process.env.NETLIFY || process.env.NETLIFY_LOCAL) { return 'netlify' } if (process.env.NOW_BUILDER) { return 'vercel' } if (process.env.INPUT_AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN) { return 'azure' } } export async function isDirectory (path: string) { try { return (await fse.stat(path)).isDirectory() } catch (_err) { return false } } export function extendPreset (base: NitroPreset, preset: NitroPreset): NitroPreset { return (config: NitroInput) => { if (typeof preset === 'function') { preset = preset(config) } if (typeof base === 'function') { base = base(config) } return defu({ hooks: mergeHooks(base.hooks, preset.hooks) }, preset, base) } } const _getDependenciesMode = { dev: ['devDependencies'], prod: ['dependencies'], all: ['devDependencies', 'dependencies'] } const _require = createRequire(import.meta.url) export function getDependencies (dir: string, mode: keyof typeof _getDependenciesMode = 'all') { const fields = _getDependenciesMode[mode] const pkg = _require(resolve(dir, 'package.json')) const dependencies = [] for (const field of fields) { if (pkg[field]) { for (const name in pkg[field]) { dependencies.push(name) } } } return dependencies } // TODO: Refactor to scule ( export function serializeImportName (id: string) { return '_' + id.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]/g, '_') } export function readPackageJson ( packageName: string, _require: NodeRequire = createRequire(import.meta.url) ) { try { return _require(`${packageName}/package.json`) } catch (error) { if (error.code === 'ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED') { const pkgModulePaths = /^(.*\/node_modules\/).*$/.exec(_require.resolve(packageName)) for (const pkgModulePath of pkgModulePaths) { const path = resolve(pkgModulePath, packageName, 'package.json') if (fse.existsSync(path)) { return fse.readJSONSync(path) } continue } throw error } throw error } } export function readDirRecursively (dir: string) { return fse.readdirSync(dir).reduce((files, file) => { const name = join(dir, file) const isDirectory = fse.statSync(name).isDirectory() return isDirectory ? [...files, ...readDirRecursively(name)] : [...files, name] }, []) }