import { fileURLToPath } from 'url' import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { setup, $fetch, fetch, startServer } from '@nuxt/test-utils' describe('fixtures:bridge', async () => { await setup({ rootDir: fileURLToPath(new URL('./fixtures/bridge', import.meta.url)), server: true }) describe('pages', () => { it('render hello world', async () => { expect(await $fetch('/')).to.contain('Hello Vue 2!') }) it('uses server Vue build', async () => { expect(await $fetch('/')).to.contain('Rendered on server: true') }) }) describe('navigate', () => { it('should redirect to index with navigateTo', async () => { const html = await $fetch('/navigate-to/') expect(html).toContain('Hello Vue 2!') }) }) describe('errors', () => { it('should render a JSON error page', async () => { const res = await fetch('/error', { headers: { accept: 'application/json' } }) expect(res.status).toBe(500) const error = await res.json() delete error.stack expect(error).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "message": "This is a custom error", "statusCode": 500, "statusMessage": "Internal Server Error", "url": "/error", } `) }) it('should render a HTML error page', async () => { const res = await fetch('/error') expect(await res.text()).toContain('This is a custom error') }) }) describe('dynamic paths', () => { if (process.env.NUXT_TEST_DEV) { // TODO: it.todo('dynamic paths in dev') return } if (process.env.TEST_WITH_WEBPACK) { // TODO: it.todo('work with webpack') return } it('should work with no overrides', async () => { const html = await $fetch('/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"/g)) { const url = match[2] expect(url.startsWith('/_nuxt/') || url === '/public.svg').toBeTruthy() } }) it('adds relative paths to CSS', async () => { const html = await $fetch('/assets') const urls = Array.from(html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"/g)).map(m => m[2]) const cssURL = urls.find(u => /_nuxt\/assets.*\.css$/.test(u)) const css = await $fetch(cssURL) const imageUrls = Array.from(css.matchAll(/url\(([^)]*)\)/g)).map(m => m[1].replace(/[-.][\w]{8}\./g, '.')) expect(imageUrls).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "./logo.svg", "../public.svg", ] `) }) it('should allow setting base URL and build assets directory', async () => { process.env.NUXT_APP_BUILD_ASSETS_DIR = '/_other/' process.env.NUXT_APP_BASE_URL = '/foo/' await startServer() const html = await $fetch('/foo/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"/g)) { const url = match[2] // TODO: should be /foo/public.svg expect(url.startsWith('/foo/_other/') || url === '/public.svg').toBeTruthy() } }) it('should allow setting CDN URL', async () => { process.env.NUXT_APP_BASE_URL = '/foo/' process.env.NUXT_APP_CDN_URL = '' process.env.NUXT_APP_BUILD_ASSETS_DIR = '/_cdn/' await startServer() const html = await $fetch('/foo/assets') for (const match of html.matchAll(/(href|src)="(.*?)"/g)) { const url = match[2] // TODO: should be expect(url.startsWith('') || url === '/public.svg').toBeTruthy() } }) }) })