import { defineUntypedSchema } from 'untyped' import { join, resolve } from 'pathe' import { isDebug, isDevelopment } from 'std-env' import { defu } from 'defu' import { findWorkspaceDir } from 'pkg-types' import type { RuntimeConfig } from '../types/config' export default defineUntypedSchema({ /** * Extend project from multiple local or remote sources. * * Value should be either a string or array of strings pointing to source directories or config path relative to current config. * * You can use `github:`, `gitlab:`, `bitbucket:` or `https://` to extend from a remote git repository. * * @type {string|string[]} * */ extends: null, /** * Extend project from a local or remote source. * * Value should be a string pointing to source directory or config path relative to current config. * * You can use `github:`, `gitlab:`, `bitbucket:` or `https://` to extend from a remote git repository. * * @type {string} * */ theme: null, /** * Define the root directory of your application. * * This property can be overwritten (for example, running `nuxt ./my-app/` * will set the `rootDir` to the absolute path of `./my-app/` from the * current/working directory. * * It is normally not needed to configure this option. */ rootDir: { $resolve: val => typeof val === 'string' ? resolve(val) : process.cwd() }, /** * Define the workspace directory of your application. * * Often this is used when in a monorepo setup. Nuxt will attempt to detect * your workspace directory automatically, but you can override it here. * * It is normally not needed to configure this option. */ workspaceDir: { $resolve: async (val, get) => val ? resolve(await get('rootDir'), val) : await findWorkspaceDir(await get('rootDir')).catch(() => get('rootDir')) }, /** * Define the source directory of your Nuxt application. * * If a relative path is specified, it will be relative to the `rootDir`. * * @example * ```js * export default { * srcDir: 'src/' * } * ``` * This would work with the following folder structure: * ```bash * -| app/ * ---| node_modules/ * ---| nuxt.config.js * ---| package.json * ---| src/ * ------| assets/ * ------| components/ * ------| layouts/ * ------| middleware/ * ------| pages/ * ------| plugins/ * ------| static/ * ------| store/ * ------| server/ * ``` */ srcDir: { $resolve: async (val, get) => resolve(await get('rootDir'), val || '.') }, /** * Define the server directory of your Nuxt application, where Nitro * routes, middleware and plugins are kept. * * If a relative path is specified, it will be relative to your `rootDir`. * */ serverDir: { $resolve: async (val, get) => resolve(await get('rootDir'), val || resolve(await get('srcDir'), 'server')) }, /** * Define the directory where your built Nuxt files will be placed. * * Many tools assume that `.nuxt` is a hidden directory (because it starts * with a `.`). If that is a problem, you can use this option to prevent that. * * @example * ```js * export default { * buildDir: 'nuxt-build' * } * ``` */ buildDir: { $resolve: async (val, get) => resolve(await get('rootDir'), val || '.nuxt') }, /** * Used to set the modules directories for path resolving (for example, webpack's * `resolveLoading`, `nodeExternals` and `postcss`). * * The configuration path is relative to `options.rootDir` (default is current working directory). * * Setting this field may be necessary if your project is organized as a yarn workspace-styled mono-repository. * * @example * ```js * export default { * modulesDir: ['../../node_modules'] * } * ``` */ modulesDir: { $default: ['node_modules'], $resolve: async (val, get) => [ ...await Promise.all( (dir: string) => resolve(await get('rootDir'), dir))), resolve(process.cwd(), 'node_modules') ] }, /** * Whether Nuxt is running in development mode. * * Normally, you should not need to set this. */ dev: Boolean(isDevelopment), /** * Whether your app is being unit tested. */ test: Boolean(isDevelopment), /** * Set to `true` to enable debug mode. * * At the moment, it prints out hook names and timings on the server, and * logs hook arguments as well in the browser. * */ debug: { $resolve: async (val, get) => val ?? isDebug }, /** * Whether to enable rendering of HTML - either dynamically (in server mode) or at generate time. * If set to `false` and combined with `static` target, generated pages will simply display * a loading screen with no content. */ ssr: { $resolve: (val) => val ?? true, }, /** * Modules are Nuxt extensions which can extend its core functionality and add endless integrations. * * Each module is either a string (which can refer to a package, or be a path to a file), a * tuple with the module as first string and the options as a second object, or an inline module function. * * Nuxt tries to resolve each item in the modules array using node require path * (in `node_modules`) and then will be resolved from project `srcDir` if `~` alias is used. * * @note Modules are executed sequentially so the order is important. * * @example * ```js * modules: [ * // Using package name * '@nuxtjs/axios', * // Relative to your project srcDir * '~/modules/awesome.js', * // Providing options * ['@nuxtjs/google-analytics', { ua: 'X1234567' }], * // Inline definition * function () {} * ] * ``` * @type {(typeof import('../src/types/module').NuxtModule | string | [typeof import('../src/types/module').NuxtModule | string, Record])[]} */ modules: [], /** * Customize default directory structure used by Nuxt. * * It is better to stick with defaults unless needed. */ dir: { /** * The assets directory (aliased as `~assets` in your build). */ assets: 'assets', /** * The layouts directory, each file of which will be auto-registered as a Nuxt layout. */ layouts: 'layouts', /** * The middleware directory, each file of which will be auto-registered as a Nuxt middleware. */ middleware: 'middleware', /** * The directory which will be processed to auto-generate your application page routes. */ pages: 'pages', /** * The plugins directory, each file of which will be auto-registered as a Nuxt plugin. */ plugins: 'plugins', /** * The directory containing your static files, which will be directly accessible via the Nuxt server * and copied across into your `dist` folder when your app is generated. */ public: { $resolve: async (val, get) => val || await get('dir.static') || 'public', }, static: { $schema: { deprecated: 'use `dir.public` option instead' }, $resolve: async (val, get) => val || await get('dir.public') || 'public', } }, /** * The extensions that should be resolved by the Nuxt resolver. */ extensions: { $resolve: val => ['.js', '.jsx', '.mjs', '.ts', '.tsx', '.vue'].concat(val).filter(Boolean) }, /** * You can improve your DX by defining additional aliases to access custom directories * within your JavaScript and CSS. * * @note Within a webpack context (image sources, CSS - but not JavaScript) you _must_ access * your alias by prefixing it with `~`. * * @note These aliases will be automatically added to the generated `.nuxt/tsconfig.json` so you can get full * type support and path auto-complete. In case you need to extend options provided by `./.nuxt/tsconfig.json` * further, make sure to add them here or within the `typescript.tsConfig` property in `nuxt.config`. * * @example * ```js * export default { * alias: { * 'images': fileURLToPath(new URL('./assets/images', import.meta.url)), * 'style': fileURLToPath(new URL('./assets/style', import.meta.url)), * 'data': fileURLToPath(new URL('./assets/other/data', import.meta.url)) * } * } * ``` * * ```html * * * * * * ``` * * @type {Record} */ alias: { $resolve: async (val, get) => ({ '~~': await get('rootDir'), '@@': await get('rootDir'), '~': await get('srcDir'), '@': await get('srcDir'), [await get('dir.assets')]: join(await get('srcDir'), await get('dir.assets')), [await get('dir.public')]: join(await get('srcDir'), await get('dir.public')), ...val }) }, /** * Pass options directly to `node-ignore` (which is used by Nuxt to ignore files). * * @see [node-ignore]( * * @example * ```js * ignoreOptions: { * ignorecase: false * } * ``` */ ignoreOptions: undefined, /** * Any file in `pages/`, `layouts/`, `middleware/` or `store/` will be ignored during * building if its filename starts with the prefix specified by `ignorePrefix`. */ ignorePrefix: '-', /** * More customizable than `ignorePrefix`: all files matching glob patterns specified * inside the `ignore` array will be ignored in building. */ ignore: { $resolve: async (val, get) => [ '**/*.stories.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}', // ignore storybook files '**/*.{spec,test}.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}', // ignore tests '**/*.d.ts', // ignore type declarations '.output', await get('ignorePrefix') && `**/${await get('ignorePrefix')}*.*` ].concat(val).filter(Boolean) }, /** * The watchers property lets you overwrite watchers configuration in your `nuxt.config`. */ watchers: { /** An array of event types, which, when received, will cause the watcher to restart. */ rewatchOnRawEvents: undefined, /** * `watchOptions` to pass directly to webpack. * * @see [webpack@4 watch options]( * */ webpack: { aggregateTimeout: 1000 }, /** * Options to pass directly to `chokidar`. * * @see [chokidar]( */ chokidar: { ignoreInitial: true } }, /** * Hooks are listeners to Nuxt events that are typically used in modules, * but are also available in `nuxt.config`. * * Internally, hooks follow a naming pattern using colons (e.g., build:done). * * For ease of configuration, you can also structure them as an hierarchical * object in `nuxt.config` (as below). * * @example * ```js'node:fs' * import fs from 'node:fs' * import path from 'node:path' * export default { * hooks: { * build: { * done(builder) { * const extraFilePath = path.join( * builder.nuxt.options.buildDir, * 'extra-file' * ) * fs.writeFileSync(extraFilePath, 'Something extra') * } * } * } * } * ``` * @type {typeof import('../src/types/hooks').NuxtHooks} */ hooks: null, /** * Runtime config allows passing dynamic config and environment variables to the Nuxt app context. * * The value of this object is accessible from server only using `useRuntimeConfig`. * * It mainly should hold _private_ configuration which is not exposed on the frontend. * This could include a reference to your API secret tokens. * * Anything under `public` and `app` will be exposed to the frontend as well. * * Values are automatically replaced by matching env variables at runtime, e.g. setting an environment * variable `NUXT_API_KEY=my-api-key NUXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=/foo/` would overwrite the two values in the example below. * * @example * ```js * export default { * runtimeConfig: { * apiKey: '' // Default to an empty string, automatically set at runtime using process.env.NUXT_API_KEY * public: { * baseURL: '' // Exposed to the frontend as well. * } * } * } * ``` * @type {typeof import('../src/types/config').RuntimeConfig} */ runtimeConfig: { $resolve: async (val: RuntimeConfig, get) => { provideFallbackValues(val) return defu(val, { public: {}, app: { baseURL: (await get('app')).baseURL, buildAssetsDir: (await get('app')).buildAssetsDir, cdnURL: (await get('app')).cdnURL, } }) } }, /** * Additional app configuration * * For programmatic usage and type support, you can directly provide app config with this option. * It will be merged with `app.config` file as default value. * * @type {typeof import('../src/types/config').AppConfig} */ appConfig: {}, $schema: {} }) function provideFallbackValues (obj: Record) { for (const key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] === 'undefined' || obj[key] === null) { obj[key] = '' } else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') { provideFallbackValues(obj[key]) } } }