import { kebabCase, pascalCase } from 'scule' import type { Component, ComponentsDir } from '@nuxt/schema' import { useNuxt } from './context' import { assertNuxtCompatibility } from './compatibility' import { logger } from './logger' /** * Register a directory to be scanned for components and imported only when used. * * Requires Nuxt 2.13+ */ export async function addComponentsDir (dir: ComponentsDir, opts: { prepend?: boolean } = {}) { const nuxt = useNuxt() await assertNuxtCompatibility({ nuxt: '>=2.13' }, nuxt) nuxt.options.components = nuxt.options.components || [] dir.priority ||= 0 nuxt.hook('components:dirs', (dirs) => { dirs[opts.prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'](dir) }) } export type AddComponentOptions = { name: string, filePath: string } & Partial> /** * Register a component by its name and filePath. * * Requires Nuxt 2.13+ */ export async function addComponent (opts: AddComponentOptions) { const nuxt = useNuxt() await assertNuxtCompatibility({ nuxt: '>=2.13' }, nuxt) nuxt.options.components = nuxt.options.components || [] // Apply defaults const component: Component = { export: opts.export || 'default', chunkName: 'components/' + kebabCase(, global: ?? false, kebabName: kebabCase( || ''), pascalName: pascalCase( || ''), prefetch: false, preload: false, mode: 'all', shortPath: opts.filePath, priority: 0, ...opts } nuxt.hook('components:extend', (components: Component[]) => { const existingComponent = components.find(c => (c.pascalName === component.pascalName || c.kebabName === component.kebabName) && c.mode === component.mode) if (existingComponent) { const existingPriority = existingComponent.priority ?? 0 const newPriority = component.priority ?? 0 if (newPriority < existingPriority) { return } // We override where new component priority is equal or higher // but we warn if they are equal. if (newPriority === existingPriority) { const name = existingComponent.pascalName || existingComponent.kebabName logger.warn(`Overriding ${name} component. You can specify a \`priority\` option when calling \`addComponent\` to avoid this warning.`) } Object.assign(existingComponent, component) } else { components.push(component) } }) }