import path from 'path' import consola from 'consola' import { escapeRegExp } from 'lodash' export const startsWithAlias = aliasArray => str => aliasArray.some(c => str.startsWith(c)) export const startsWithSrcAlias = startsWithAlias(['@', '~']) export const startsWithRootAlias = startsWithAlias(['@@', '~~']) export const isWindows = process.platform.startsWith('win') export const wp = function wp (p = '') { if (isWindows) { return p.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') } return p } // Kept for backward compat (modules may use it from template context) export const wChunk = function wChunk (p = '') { return p } const reqSep = /\//g const sysSep = escapeRegExp(path.sep) const normalize = string => string.replace(reqSep, sysSep) export const r = function r (...args) { const lastArg = args[args.length - 1] if (startsWithSrcAlias(lastArg)) { return wp(lastArg) } return wp(path.resolve( } export const relativeTo = function relativeTo (...args) { const dir = args.shift() // Keep webpack inline loader intact if (args[0].includes('!')) { const loaders = args.shift().split('!') return loaders.concat(relativeTo(dir, loaders.pop(), ...args)).join('!') } // Resolve path const resolvedPath = r(...args) // Check if path is an alias if (startsWithSrcAlias(resolvedPath)) { return resolvedPath } // Make correct relative path let rp = path.relative(dir, resolvedPath) if (rp[0] !== '.') { rp = '.' + path.sep + rp } return wp(rp) } export function defineAlias (src, target, prop, opts = {}) { const { bind = true, warn = false } = opts if (Array.isArray(prop)) { for (const p of prop) { defineAlias(src, target, p, opts) } return } let targetVal = target[prop] if (bind && typeof targetVal === 'function') { targetVal = targetVal.bind(target) } let warned = false Object.defineProperty(src, prop, { get: () => { if (warn && !warned) { warned = true consola.warn({ message: `'${prop}' is deprecated'`, // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/error-message additional: new Error().stack.split('\n').splice(2).join('\n') }) } return targetVal } }) } const isIndex = s => /(.*)\/index\.[^/]+$/.test(s) export function isIndexFileAndFolder (pluginFiles) { // Return early in case the matching file count exceeds 2 (index.js + folder) if (pluginFiles.length !== 2) { return false } return pluginFiles.some(isIndex) } export const getMainModule = () => { return (require && require.main) || (module && module.main) || module }