import { promises as fsp } from 'fs' import { relative, resolve } from 'pathe' import { cyan } from 'colorette' import { Nuxt, TSReference } from '@nuxt/kit' import type { TSConfig } from 'pkg-types' import consola from 'consola' import { getModulePaths, getNearestPackage } from './cjs' export const writeTypes = async (nuxt: Nuxt) => { const modulePaths = getModulePaths(nuxt.options.modulesDir) const rootDir = nuxt.options.rootDir const tsConfig: TSConfig = { compilerOptions: { target: 'ESNext', module: 'ESNext', moduleResolution: 'Node', strict: true, allowJs: true, noEmit: true, resolveJsonModule: true, types: ['node'], baseUrl: relative(nuxt.options.buildDir, nuxt.options.rootDir), paths: {} } } const aliases = { ...nuxt.options.alias, '#build': nuxt.options.buildDir, // The `@nuxt/nitro` types will be overwritten by packages/nitro/types/shims.d.ts '#storage': '@nuxt/nitro', '#assets': '@nuxt/nitro' } for (const alias in aliases) { const relativePath = relative(nuxt.options.rootDir, aliases[alias]).replace(/(?<=\w)\.\w+$/g, '') /* remove extension */ || '.' tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[alias] = [relativePath] try { const { isDirectory } = await fsp.stat(resolve(nuxt.options.rootDir, relativePath)) if (isDirectory) { tsConfig.compilerOptions.paths[`${alias}/*`] = [`${relativePath}/*`] } } catch { } } const references: TSReference[] = [ ...nuxt.options.buildModules, ...nuxt.options.modules, ...nuxt.options._modules ] .filter(f => typeof f === 'string') .map(id => ({ types: getNearestPackage(id, modulePaths)?.name || id })) const declarations: string[] = [] await nuxt.callHook('builder:generateApp') await nuxt.callHook('prepare:types', { references, declarations, tsConfig }) const declarationPath = resolve(`${rootDir}/nuxt.d.ts`) const declaration = [ '// This file is auto generated by `nuxt prepare`', '// Please do not manually modify this file.', '', => { if ('path' in ref) { ref.path = relative(rootDir, ref.path) } return `/// ` }), ...declarations, 'export {}', '' ].join('\n') await fsp.writeFile(declarationPath, declaration) consola.success('Generated', cyan(relative(process.cwd(), declarationPath))) async function writeFile () { const tsConfigPath = resolve(nuxt.options.buildDir, 'tsconfig.json') await fsp.writeFile(tsConfigPath, JSON.stringify(tsConfig, null, 2)) } // This is needed for Nuxt 2 which clears the build directory again before building // nuxt.hook('builder:prepared', writeFile) await writeFile() } function renderAttrs (obj: Record) { return Object.entries(obj).map(e => renderAttr(e[0], e[1])).join(' ') } function renderAttr (key: string, value: string) { return value ? `${key}="${value}"` : '' }