title: 'reloadNuxtApp'
description: reloadNuxtApp will perform a hard reload of the page.
  - label: Source
    icon: i-simple-icons-github
    to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/nuxt/src/app/composables/chunk.ts
    size: xs

`reloadNuxtApp` will perform a hard reload of your app, re-requesting a page and its dependencies from the server.

By default, it will also save the current `state` of your app (that is, any state you could access with `useState`).

::read-more{to="/docs/guide/going-further/experimental-features#restorestate" icon="i-ph-star-duotone"}
You can enable experimental restoration of this state by enabling the `experimental.restoreState` option in your `nuxt.config` file.

## Type

reloadNuxtApp(options?: ReloadNuxtAppOptions)

interface ReloadNuxtAppOptions {
  ttl?: number
  force?: boolean
  path?: string
  persistState?: boolean

### `options` (optional)

**Type**: `ReloadNuxtAppOptions`

An object accepting the following properties:

- `path` (optional)

  **Type**: `string`

  **Default**: `window.location.pathname`

  The path to reload (defaulting to the current path). If this is different from the current window location it
  will trigger a navigation and add an entry in the browser history.

- `ttl` (optional)

  **Type**: `number`

  **Default**: `10000`

  The number of milliseconds in which to ignore future reload requests. If called again within this time period,
  `reloadNuxtApp` will not reload your app to avoid reload loops.

- `force` (optional)

  **Type**: `boolean`

  **Default**: `false`

  This option allows bypassing reload loop protection entirely, forcing a reload even if one has occurred within
  the previously specified TTL.

- `persistState` (optional)

  **Type**: `boolean`

  **Default**: `false`

  Whether to dump the current Nuxt state to sessionStorage (as `nuxt:reload:state`). By default this will have no
  effect on reload unless `experimental.restoreState` is also set, or unless you handle restoring the state yourself.