import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url' import { createApp, createError, defineEventHandler, defineLazyEventHandler } from 'h3' import { ViteNodeServer } from 'vite-node/server' import fse from 'fs-extra' import { resolve } from 'pathe' import { addServerMiddleware } from '@nuxt/kit' import type { Plugin as VitePlugin, ViteDevServer } from 'vite' import { ExternalsOptions, isExternal, ExternalsDefaults } from 'externality' import { resolve as resolveModule } from 'mlly' import { distDir } from './dirs' import type { ViteBuildContext } from './vite' import { isCSS } from './utils' // TODO: Remove this in favor of registerViteNodeMiddleware // after Nitropack or h3 fixed for adding middlewares after setup export function viteNodePlugin (ctx: ViteBuildContext): VitePlugin { return { name: 'nuxt:vite-node-server', enforce: 'pre', configureServer (server) { server.middlewares.use('/__nuxt_vite_node__', createViteNodeMiddleware(ctx)) } } } export function registerViteNodeMiddleware (ctx: ViteBuildContext) { addServerMiddleware({ route: '/__nuxt_vite_node__/', handler: createViteNodeMiddleware(ctx) }) } function getManifest (server: ViteDevServer) { const ids = Array.from(server.moduleGraph.urlToModuleMap.keys()) .filter(i => isCSS(i)) const entries = [ '@vite/client', 'entry.mjs', => i.slice(1)) ] return { publicPath: '', all: entries, initial: entries, async: [], modules: {} } } function createViteNodeMiddleware (ctx: ViteBuildContext) { const app = createApp() app.use('/manifest', defineEventHandler(() => { const manifest = getManifest(ctx.ssrServer) return manifest })) app.use('/module', defineLazyEventHandler(() => { const viteServer = ctx.ssrServer const node: ViteNodeServer = new ViteNodeServer(viteServer, { deps: { inline: [ /\/(nuxt|nuxt3)\//, /^#/, as string[] ] }, transformMode: { ssr: [/.*/], web: [] } }) const externalOpts: ExternalsOptions = { inline: [ /virtual:/, /\.ts$/, ...ExternalsDefaults.inline, ...viteServer.config.ssr.noExternal as string[] ], external: [ ...viteServer.config.ssr.external, /node_modules/ ], resolve: { type: 'module', extensions: ['.ts', '.js', '.json', '.vue', '.mjs', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.wasm'] } } const rootDir = ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir node.shouldExternalize = async (id: string) => { const result = await isExternal(id, rootDir, externalOpts) if (result?.external) { return resolveModule(, { url: rootDir }) } return false } return async (event) => { const moduleId = decodeURI(event.req.url).substring(1) if (moduleId === '/') { throw createError({ statusCode: 400 }) } const module = await node.fetchModule(moduleId) as any return module } })) return app.nodeHandler } export async function prepareDevServerEntry (ctx: ViteBuildContext) { let entryPath = resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.appDir, 'entry.async.mjs') if (!fse.existsSync(entryPath)) { entryPath = resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.appDir, 'entry.async') } // TODO: Update me const host = || 'localhost' const port = ctx.nuxt.options.server.port || '3000' const protocol = ctx.nuxt.options.server.https ? 'https' : 'http' // Serialize and pass vite-node runtime options const viteNodeServerOptions = { baseURL: `${protocol}://${host}:${port}/__nuxt_vite_node__`, rootDir: ctx.nuxt.options.rootDir, entryPath, base: ctx.ssrServer.config.base || '/_nuxt/' } process.env.NUXT_VITE_NODE_OPTIONS = JSON.stringify(viteNodeServerOptions) const serverResolvedPath = resolve(distDir, 'runtime/vite-node.mjs') const manifestResolvedPath = resolve(distDir, 'runtime/client.manifest.mjs') await fse.writeFile( resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/server/server.mjs'), `export { default } from ${JSON.stringify(pathToFileURL(serverResolvedPath).href)}` ) await fse.writeFile( resolve(ctx.nuxt.options.buildDir, 'dist/server/client.manifest.mjs'), `export { default } from ${JSON.stringify(pathToFileURL(manifestResolvedPath).href)}` ) }