import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import type { ComponentOptions } from 'vue' import { Suspense, defineComponent, h, toDisplayString, useAttrs } from 'vue' import { mountSuspended } from '@nuxt/test-utils/runtime' import { flushPromises, mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { createClientOnly } from '../../packages/nuxt/src/app/components/client-only' import { createClientPage } from '../../packages/nuxt/dist/components/runtime/client-component' const Client = defineComponent({ name: 'TestClient', setup () { const attrs = useAttrs() return () => h('div', {}, toDisplayString(attrs)) }, }) describe('createClient attribute inheritance', () => { it('should retrieve attributes with useAttrs()', async () => { const wrapper = await mountSuspended(createClientOnly(Client as ComponentOptions), { attrs: { id: 'client', }, }) expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "<div id="client">{ "id": "client" }</div>" `) }) }) describe('client page', () => { it('Should be suspensed when out of hydration', async () => { let resolve const promise = new Promise((_resolve) => { resolve = _resolve }) const comp = defineComponent({ async setup () { await promise return () => h('div', { id: 'async' }, 'async resolved') }, }) const wrapper = mount({ setup () { return () => h('div', {}, [ h(Suspense, {}, { default: () => h(createClientPage(() => Promise.resolve(comp)), {}), fallback: () => h('div', { id: 'fallback' }, 'loading'), }), ]) }, }) await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.find('#fallback').exists()).toBe(true) expect(wrapper.find('#async').exists()).toBe(false) resolve!() await flushPromises() expect(wrapper.find('#async').exists()).toBe(true) expect(wrapper.find('#fallback').exists()).toBe(false) }) })