import { KeepAliveProps, TransitionProps, UnwrapRef } from 'vue' import type { Router, RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, NavigationGuard, RouteLocationNormalized, RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router' import { useNuxtApp } from '#app' export const useRouter = () => { return useNuxtApp().$router as Router } export const useRoute = () => { return useNuxtApp()._route as RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } export interface PageMeta { [key: string]: any pageTransition?: boolean | TransitionProps layoutTransition?: boolean | TransitionProps key?: false | string | ((route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) => string) keepalive?: boolean | KeepAliveProps } declare module 'vue-router' { interface RouteMeta extends UnwrapRef {} } const warnRuntimeUsage = (method: string) => console.warn( `${method}() is a compiler-hint helper that is only usable inside ` + 'the script block of a single file component. Its arguments should be ' + 'compiled away and passing it at runtime has no effect.' ) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars export const definePageMeta = (meta: PageMeta): void => { if ( { warnRuntimeUsage('definePageMeta') } } export interface RouteMiddleware { (to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized): ReturnType } export const defineNuxtRouteMiddleware = (middleware: RouteMiddleware) => middleware export interface AddRouteMiddlewareOptions { global?: boolean } export const addRouteMiddleware = (name: string, middleware: RouteMiddleware, options: AddRouteMiddlewareOptions = {}) => { const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() if ( { } else { nuxtApp._middleware.named[name] = middleware } } const isProcessingMiddleware = () => { try { if (useNuxtApp()._processingMiddleware) { return true } } catch { // Within an async middleware return true } return false } export const navigateTo = (to: RouteLocationRaw) => { if (isProcessingMiddleware()) { return to } const router: Router = process.server ? useRouter() : (window as any).$nuxt.router return router.push(to) } /** This will abort navigation within a Nuxt route middleware handler. */ export const abortNavigation = (err?: Error | string) => { if ( && !isProcessingMiddleware()) { throw new Error('abortNavigation() is only usable inside a route middleware handler.') } if (err) { throw err instanceof Error ? err : new Error(err) } return false }