import isPlainObject from 'lodash/isPlainObject' import consola from 'consola' import { Hookable, defineAlias } from '@nuxt/common' import { getNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/config' import { Server } from '@nuxt/server' import { version } from '../package.json' import ModuleContainer from './module' import Resolver from './resolver' export default class Nuxt extends Hookable { constructor(options = {}) { super() // Assign options and apply defaults this.options = getNuxtConfig(options) // Create instance of core components this.resolver = new Resolver(this) this.moduleContainer = new ModuleContainer(this) this.server = new Server(this) // Deprecated hooks this._deprecatedHooks = { 'render:context': 'render:routeContext', // #3773 'showReady': 'webpack:done' // Workaround to deprecate showReady } // Add Legacy aliases defineAlias(this, this.server, ['renderRoute', 'renderAndGetWindow', 'listen']) defineAlias(this, this.resolver, ['resolveAlias', 'resolvePath']) this.renderer = this.server this.render = this.showReady = () => { this.callHook('webpack:done') } // Wait for Nuxt to be ready this.initialized = false this._ready = this.ready().catch((err) => { consola.fatal(err) }) } static get version() { return version } async ready() { if (this._ready) { return this._ready } // Add hooks if (isPlainObject(this.options.hooks)) { this.addHooks(this.options.hooks) } else if (typeof this.options.hooks === 'function') { this.options.hooks(this.hook) } // Await for modules await this.moduleContainer.ready() // Await for server to be ready await this.server.ready() this.initialized = true // Call ready hook await this.callHook('ready', this) return this } async close(callback) { await this.callHook('close', this) /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof callback === 'function') { await callback() } } }