import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' import { mkdir, rm, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises' import { randomUUID } from 'node:crypto' import { afterAll, describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import { dirname, join, normalize, resolve } from 'pathe' import { withoutTrailingSlash } from 'ufo' import { createApp, resolveApp } from '../src/core/app' import { loadNuxt } from '../src' const repoRoot = withoutTrailingSlash(normalize(fileURLToPath(new URL('../../../', import.meta.url)))) describe('resolveApp', () => { afterAll(async () => { await rm(resolve(repoRoot, '.fixture'), { recursive: true, force: true }) }) it('resolves app with default configuration', async () => { const app = await getResolvedApp([]) expect(app).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "components": [], "configs": [], "dir": "", "errorComponent": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/components/nuxt-error-page.vue", "extensions": [ ".js", ".jsx", ".mjs", ".ts", ".tsx", ".vue", ], "layouts": {}, "mainComponent": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/components/welcome.vue", "middleware": [ { "global": true, "name": "manifest-route-rule", "path": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/middleware/manifest-route-rule.ts", }, ], "plugins": [ { "mode": "client", "src": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/plugins/navigation-repaint.client.ts", }, { "mode": "client", "src": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/plugins/check-outdated-build.client.ts", }, { "mode": "server", "src": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/plugins/revive-payload.server.ts", }, { "mode": "client", "src": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/plugins/revive-payload.client.ts", }, { "mode": "client", "src": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/plugins/chunk-reload.client.ts", }, { "mode": "client", "src": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/plugins/payload.client.ts", }, { "filename": "components.plugin.mjs", "getContents": [Function], "mode": "all", "src": "/.nuxt/components.plugin.mjs", }, { "mode": "all", "src": "/packages/nuxt/src/head/runtime/plugins/unhead.ts", }, { "mode": "all", "src": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/plugins/router.ts", }, ], "rootComponent": "/packages/nuxt/src/app/components/nuxt-root.vue", "templates": [], } `) }) it('resolves layouts and middleware correctly', async () => { const app = await getResolvedApp([ 'middleware/index.ts', 'middleware/auth/index.ts', 'middleware/other.ts', 'layouts/index.vue', 'layouts/default/index.vue', 'layouts/other.vue', ]) // Middleware are not resolved in a nested manner expect(app.middleware.filter(m => m.path.startsWith(''))).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ { "global": false, "name": "other", "path": "/middleware/other.ts", }, ] `) expect(app.layouts).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "default": { "file": "/layouts/default/index.vue", "name": "default", }, "other": { "file": "/layouts/other.vue", "name": "other", }, } `) }) it('resolves layer plugins in correct order', async () => { const app = await getResolvedApp([ // layer 1 'layer1/plugins/02.plugin.ts', 'layer1/plugins/object-named.ts', 'layer1/plugins/override-test.ts', 'layer1/nuxt.config.ts', // layer 2 'layer2/plugins/01.plugin.ts', 'layer2/plugins/object-named.ts', 'layer2/plugins/override-test.ts', 'layer2/nuxt.config.ts', // final (user) layer 'plugins/00.plugin.ts', 'plugins/object-named.ts', { name: 'nuxt.config.ts', contents: 'export default defineNuxtConfig({ extends: [\'./layer2\', \'./layer1\'] })', }, ]) const fixturePlugins = app.plugins.filter(p => !('getContents' in p) && p.src.includes('')).map(p => p.src) // TODO: support overriding named plugins expect(fixturePlugins).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "/layer1/plugins/02.plugin.ts", "/layer1/plugins/object-named.ts", "/layer1/plugins/override-test.ts", "/layer2/plugins/01.plugin.ts", "/layer2/plugins/object-named.ts", "/layer2/plugins/override-test.ts", "/plugins/00.plugin.ts", "/plugins/object-named.ts", ] `) }) it('resolves layer middleware in correct order', async () => { const app = await getResolvedApp([ // layer 1 'layer1/middleware/', 'layer1/middleware/named-from-layer.ts', 'layer1/middleware/named-override.ts', 'layer1/nuxt.config.ts', // layer 2 'layer2/middleware/', 'layer2/middleware/named-from-layer.ts', 'layer2/middleware/named-override.ts', 'layer2/plugins/override-test.ts', 'layer2/nuxt.config.ts', // final (user) layer 'middleware/named-override.ts', 'middleware/named.ts', { name: 'nuxt.config.ts', contents: 'export default defineNuxtConfig({ extends: [\'./layer2\', \'./layer1\'] })', }, ]) const fixtureMiddleware = app.middleware.filter(p => p.path.includes('')).map(p => p.path) // TODO: fix this expect(fixtureMiddleware).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` [ "/layer2/middleware/", "/layer2/middleware/named-from-layer.ts", "/middleware/named-override.ts", "/middleware/named.ts", ] `) }) it('resolves layer layouts correctly', async () => { const app = await getResolvedApp([ // layer 1 'layer1/layouts/default.vue', 'layer1/layouts/layer.vue', 'layer1/nuxt.config.ts', // layer 2 'layer2/layouts/default.vue', 'layer2/layouts/layer.vue', 'layer2/nuxt.config.ts', // final (user) layer 'layouts/default.vue', { name: 'nuxt.config.ts', contents: 'export default defineNuxtConfig({ extends: [\'./layer2\', \'./layer1\'] })', }, ]) expect(app.layouts).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "default": { "file": "/layouts/default.vue", "name": "default", }, "layer": { "file": "/layer2/layouts/layer.vue", "name": "layer", }, } `) }) it('resolves nested layouts correctly', async () => { const app = await getResolvedApp([ 'layouts/default.vue', 'layouts/some/layout.vue', 'layouts/SomeOther.vue', 'layouts/SomeOther/Thing/Index.vue', 'layouts/thing/thing/thing.vue', 'layouts/desktop-base/base.vue', 'layouts/some.vue', 'layouts/SomeOther/layout.ts', ]) expect(app.layouts).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "default": { "file": "/layouts/default.vue", "name": "default", }, "desktop-base": { "file": "/layouts/desktop-base/base.vue", "name": "desktop-base", }, "some": { "file": "/layouts/some.vue", "name": "some", }, "some-layout": { "file": "/layouts/some/layout.vue", "name": "some-layout", }, "some-other": { "file": "/layouts/SomeOther.vue", "name": "some-other", }, "some-other-layout": { "file": "/layouts/SomeOther/layout.ts", "name": "some-other-layout", }, "some-other-thing": { "file": "/layouts/SomeOther/Thing/Index.vue", "name": "some-other-thing", }, "thing": { "file": "/layouts/thing/thing/thing.vue", "name": "thing", }, } `) }) }) async function getResolvedApp (files: Array) { const rootDir = resolve(repoRoot, 'node_modules/.fixture', randomUUID()) await mkdir(rootDir, { recursive: true }) for (const file of files) { const filename = typeof file === 'string' ? join(rootDir, file) : join(rootDir, await mkdir(dirname(filename), { recursive: true }) await writeFile(filename, typeof file === 'string' ? '' : file.contents || '') } const nuxt = await loadNuxt({ cwd: rootDir }) const app = createApp(nuxt) await resolveApp(nuxt, app) const normaliseToRepo = (id?: string | null) => id?.replace(rootDir, '').replace(repoRoot, '').replace(/.*node_modules\//, '') app.dir = normaliseToRepo(app.dir)! const componentKeys = ['rootComponent', 'errorComponent', 'mainComponent'] as const for (const _key of componentKeys) { const key = _key as typeof componentKeys[number] app[key] = normaliseToRepo(app[key]) } for (const plugin of app.plugins) { plugin.src = normaliseToRepo(plugin.src)! // @ts-expect-error untyped symbol delete plugin[Symbol.for('nuxt plugin')] } for (const mw of app.middleware) { mw.path = normaliseToRepo(mw.path)! } for (const layout of Object.values(app.layouts)) { layout.file = normaliseToRepo(layout.file)! } await nuxt.close() return app }