title: 'setResponseStatus'
description: setResponseStatus sets the statusCode (and optionally the statusMessage) of the response.
  - label: Source
    icon: i-simple-icons-github
    to: https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/blob/main/packages/nuxt/src/app/composables/ssr.ts
    size: xs

Nuxt provides composables and utilities for first-class server-side-rendering support.

`setResponseStatus` sets the statusCode (and optionally the statusMessage) of the response.

`setResponseStatus` can only be called in the [Nuxt context](/docs/guide/going-further/nuxt-app#the-nuxt-context).

const event = useRequestEvent()

// event will be undefined in the browser
if (event) {
  // Set the status code to 404 for a custom 404 page
  setResponseStatus(event, 404)

  // Set the status message as well
  setResponseStatus(event, 404, 'Page Not Found')

In the browser, `setResponseStatus` will have no effect.
