import path from 'path' import crypto from 'crypto' import fs from 'fs' import consola from 'consola' import devalue from '@nuxtjs/devalue' import invert from 'lodash/invert' import template from 'lodash/template' import { waitFor } from '@nuxt/common' import { createBundleRenderer } from 'vue-server-renderer' import SPAMetaRenderer from './spa-meta' export default class VueRenderer { constructor(context) { this.context = context // Will be set by createRenderer this.renderer = { ssr: undefined, modern: undefined, spa: undefined } // Renderer runtime resources Object.assign(this.context.resources, { clientManifest: undefined, modernManifest: undefined, serverManifest: undefined, ssrTemplate: undefined, spaTemplate: undefined, errorTemplate: this.parseTemplate('Nuxt.js Internal Server Error') }) } get assetsMapping() { if (this._assetsMapping) { return this._assetsMapping } const legacyAssets = this.context.resources.clientManifest.assetsMapping const modernAssets = invert(this.context.resources.modernManifest.assetsMapping) const mapping = {} for (const legacyJsFile in legacyAssets) { const chunkNamesHash = legacyAssets[legacyJsFile] mapping[legacyJsFile] = modernAssets[chunkNamesHash] } delete this.context.resources.clientManifest.assetsMapping delete this.context.resources.modernManifest.assetsMapping this._assetsMapping = mapping return mapping } renderScripts(context) { if (this.context.options.modern === 'client') { const publicPath = const scriptPattern = /]*?src="([^"]*?)"[^>]*?>[^<]*?<\/script>/g return context.renderScripts().replace(scriptPattern, (scriptTag, jsFile) => { const legacyJsFile = jsFile.replace(publicPath, '') const modernJsFile = this.assetsMapping[legacyJsFile] const crossorigin = const cors = `${crossorigin ? ` crossorigin="${crossorigin}"` : ''}` const moduleTag = scriptTag.replace(']*?href="([^"]*?)"[^>]*?as="script"[^>]*?>/g return context.renderResourceHints().replace(linkPattern, (linkTag, jsFile) => { const legacyJsFile = jsFile.replace(publicPath, '') const modernJsFile = this.assetsMapping[legacyJsFile] const crossorigin = const cors = `${crossorigin ? ` crossorigin="${crossorigin}"` : ''}` return linkTag.replace('rel="preload"', `rel="modulepreload"${cors}`).replace(legacyJsFile, modernJsFile) }) } return context.renderResourceHints() } async ready() { if (! { // Production: Load SSR resources from fs await this.loadResources(fs) // Verify if (this.context.options._start) { if (!this.isReady) { throw new Error( 'No build files found. Use either `nuxt build` or `` or start nuxt in development mode.' ) } else if (this.context.options.modern && !this.context.resources.modernManifest) { throw new Error( 'No modern build files found. Use either `nuxt build --modern` or `modern` option to build modern files.' ) } } } else { // Development: Listen on build:resources hook this.context.nuxt.hook('build:resources', mfs => this.loadResources(mfs, true)) } } loadResources(_fs, isMFS = false) { const distPath = path.resolve(this.context.options.buildDir, 'dist', 'server') const updated = [] const resourceMap = this.resourceMap const readResource = (fileName, encoding) => { try { const fullPath = path.resolve(distPath, fileName) if (!_fs.existsSync(fullPath)) { return } const contents = _fs.readFileSync(fullPath, encoding) if (isMFS) { // Cleanup MFS as soon as possible to save memory _fs.unlinkSync(fullPath) } return contents } catch (err) { consola.error('Unable to load resource:', fileName, err) } } for (const resourceName in resourceMap) { const { fileName, transform, encoding } = resourceMap[resourceName] // Load resource let resource = readResource(fileName, encoding) // Skip unavailable resources if (!resource) { consola.debug('Resource not available:', resourceName) continue } // Apply transforms if (typeof transform === 'function') { resource = transform(resource, { readResource, oldValue: this.context.resources[resourceName] }) } // Update resource this.context.resources[resourceName] = resource updated.push(resourceName) } // Reload error template const errorTemplatePath = path.resolve(this.context.options.buildDir, 'views/error.html') if (fs.existsSync(errorTemplatePath)) { this.context.resources.errorTemplate = this.parseTemplate( fs.readFileSync(errorTemplatePath, 'utf8') ) } // Reload loading template const loadingHTMLPath = path.resolve(this.context.options.buildDir, 'loading.html') if (fs.existsSync(loadingHTMLPath)) { this.context.resources.loadingHTML = fs.readFileSync(loadingHTMLPath, 'utf8') this.context.resources.loadingHTML = this.context.resources.loadingHTML .replace(/\r|\n|[\t\s]{3,}/g, '') } else { this.context.resources.loadingHTML = '' } // Call createRenderer if any resource changed if (updated.length > 0) { this.createRenderer() } // Call resourcesLoaded hook consola.debug('Resources loaded:', updated.join(',')) return this.context.nuxt.callHook('render:resourcesLoaded', this.context.resources) } get noSSR() { /* Backward compatibility */ return this.context.options.render.ssr === false } get SSR() { return this.context.options.render.ssr === true } get isReady() { // SPA if (!this.context.resources.spaTemplate || ! { return false } // SSR if (this.SSR && (!this.context.resources.ssrTemplate || !this.renderer.ssr)) { return false } return true } get isResourcesAvailable() { /* Backward compatibility */ return this.isReady } createRenderer() { // Resource clientManifest is always required if (!this.context.resources.clientManifest) { return } // Create SPA renderer if (this.context.resources.spaTemplate) { = new SPAMetaRenderer(this) } // Skip the rest if SSR resources are not available if (!this.context.resources.ssrTemplate || !this.context.resources.serverManifest) { return } const hasModules = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(this.context.options.rootDir, 'node_modules')) const rendererOptions = { clientManifest: this.context.resources.clientManifest, // for globally installed nuxt command, search dependencies in global dir basedir: hasModules ? this.context.options.rootDir : __dirname, ...this.context.options.render.bundleRenderer } // Create bundle renderer for SSR this.renderer.ssr = createBundleRenderer( this.context.resources.serverManifest, rendererOptions ) if (this.context.resources.modernManifest && !['client', false].includes(this.context.options.modern)) { this.renderer.modern = createBundleRenderer( this.context.resources.serverManifest, { ...rendererOptions, clientManifest: this.context.resources.modernManifest } ) } } renderTemplate(ssr, opts) { // Fix problem with HTMLPlugin's minify option (#3392) opts.html_attrs = opts.HTML_ATTRS opts.body_attrs = opts.BODY_ATTRS const fn = ssr ? this.context.resources.ssrTemplate : this.context.resources.spaTemplate return fn(opts) } async renderRoute(url, context = {}) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!this.isReady) {'Waiting for server resources...') await waitFor(1000) return this.renderRoute(url, context) } // Log rendered url consola.debug(`Rendering url ${url}`) // Add url and isSever to the context context.url = url // Basic response if SSR is disabled or SPA data provided const { req, res } = context const spa = || (res && const ENV = this.context.options.env if (!this.SSR || spa) { const { HTML_ATTRS, BODY_ATTRS, HEAD, BODY_SCRIPTS, getPreloadFiles } = await const APP = `
` + BODY_SCRIPTS const html = this.renderTemplate(false, { HTML_ATTRS, BODY_ATTRS, HEAD, APP, ENV }) return { html, getPreloadFiles: this.getPreloadFiles.bind(this, { getPreloadFiles }) } } let APP // Call renderToString from the bundleRenderer and generate the HTML (will update the context as well) if (req && req.modernMode) { APP = await this.renderer.modern.renderToString(context) } else { APP = await this.renderer.ssr.renderToString(context) } if (!context.nuxt.serverRendered) { APP = `
` } const m = context.meta.inject() let HEAD = m.title.text() + m.meta.text() + + + m.script.text() + m.noscript.text() if (this.context.options._routerBaseSpecified) { HEAD += `` } if (this.context.options.render.resourceHints) { HEAD += this.renderResourceHints(context) } await this.context.nuxt.callHook('render:routeContext', context.nuxt) const serializedSession = `window.${this.context.globals.context}=${devalue(context.nuxt)};` const cspScriptSrcHashSet = new Set() if (this.context.options.render.csp) { const { hashAlgorithm } = this.context.options.render.csp const hash = crypto.createHash(hashAlgorithm) hash.update(serializedSession) cspScriptSrcHashSet.add(`'${hashAlgorithm}-${hash.digest('base64')}'`) } APP += `` APP += this.renderScripts(context) APP += m.script.text({ body: true }) APP += m.noscript.text({ body: true }) HEAD += context.renderStyles() const html = this.renderTemplate(true, { HTML_ATTRS: 'data-n-head-ssr ' + m.htmlAttrs.text(), BODY_ATTRS: m.bodyAttrs.text(), HEAD, APP, ENV }) return { html, cspScriptSrcHashSet, getPreloadFiles: this.getPreloadFiles.bind(this, context), error: context.nuxt.error, redirected: context.redirected } } get resourceMap() { return { clientManifest: { fileName: 'client.manifest.json', transform: src => JSON.parse(src) }, modernManifest: { fileName: 'modern.manifest.json', transform: src => JSON.parse(src) }, serverManifest: { fileName: 'server.manifest.json', // BundleRenderer needs resolved contents transform: (src, { readResource, oldValue = { files: {}, maps: {} } }) => { const serverManifest = JSON.parse(src) const resolveAssets = (obj, oldObj) => { Object.keys(obj).forEach((name) => { obj[name] = readResource(obj[name]) // Try to reuse deleted MFS files if no new version exists if (!obj[name]) { obj[name] = oldObj[name] } }) return obj } const files = resolveAssets(serverManifest.files, oldValue.files) const maps = resolveAssets(serverManifest.maps, oldValue.maps) // Try to parse sourcemaps for (const map in maps) { if (maps[map] && maps[map].version) { continue } try { maps[map] = JSON.parse(maps[map]) } catch (e) { maps[map] = { version: 3, sources: [], mappings: '' } } } return { ...serverManifest, files, maps } } }, ssrTemplate: { fileName: 'index.ssr.html', transform: src => this.parseTemplate(src) }, spaTemplate: { fileName: '', transform: src => this.parseTemplate(src) } } } parseTemplate(templateStr) { return template(templateStr, { interpolate: /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g }) } close() { if (this.__closed) { return } this.__closed = true for (const key in this.renderer) { delete this.renderer[key] } } }