import consola from 'consola' import execa from 'execa' import groupBy from 'lodash/groupBy' import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy' import { writeFile } from 'fs-extra' const types = { fix: { title: 'Fixes' }, feat: { title: 'Features' }, hotfix: { title: 'HotFixes' }, refactor: { title: 'Refactors' }, perf: { title: 'Performance Improvements' }, examples: { title: 'Examples' }, chore: { title: 'Chore' }, test: { title: 'Tests' } } const allowedTypes = Object.keys(types) async function main() { // Get last git tag const lastGitTag = await getLastGitTag() // Get all commits from last release to current dev let commits = await getGitDiff(lastGitTag, 'dev') // Parse commits as conventional commits commits = parseCommits(commits) // Filter commits commits = commits.filter(c => allowedTypes.includes(c.type) && c.scope !== 'deps' ) // Generate markdown const markdown = generateMarkDown(commits) process.stdout.write('\n\n' + markdown + '\n\n') await writeFile('', markdown, 'utf-8') } function execCommand(cmd, args) { return execa(cmd, args).then(r => r.stdout) } async function getLastGitTag() { const r = await execCommand('git', ['describe']) return /^[^-]+/.exec(r)[0] } async function getGitDiff(from, to) { const r = await execCommand('git', ['--no-pager', 'log', `${from}...${to}`, '--pretty=%s|%h']) return r.split('\n').map((line) => { const [message, commit] = line.split('|') return { message, commit } }) } function parseCommits(commits) { return commits.filter(c => c.message.includes(':')).map((commit) => { let [type, message] = commit.message.split(':') // Extract references from message const references = [] const referencesRegex = /#[0-9]+/g let m while (m = referencesRegex.exec(message)) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign references.push(m[0]) } // Remove references and normalize message = message.replace(referencesRegex, '').replace(/\(\)/g, '').trim() // Extract scope from type let scope = type.match(/\((.*)\)/) if (scope) { scope = scope[1] } type = type.split('(')[0] return { message, type, scope, references, commit: commit.commit } }) } function generateMarkDown(commits) { const commitGroups = groupBy(commits, 'type') let markdown = '' for (const type of allowedTypes) { const group = commitGroups[type] if (!group || !group.length) { continue } const { title } = types[type] markdown += '\n\n' + '## ' + title + '\n\n' markdown += sortBy(group, 'scope').map(formatCommitForMarkdown).join('\n') } return markdown.trim() } function formatCommitForMarkdown({ scope, type, message, references }) { let fMessage = scope ? `**${scope}**: ${message}` : message if (references.length) { fMessage += ' ' + => `(${r})`).join(' ') } return '- ' + fMessage } main().catch(consola.error)