import { writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises' import { downloadTemplate, startShell } from 'giget' import { relative } from 'pathe' import consola from 'consola' import { defineNuxtCommand } from './index' const rpath = (p: string) => relative(process.cwd(), p) const DEFAULT_REGISTRY = '' export default defineNuxtCommand({ meta: { name: 'init', usage: 'npx nuxi init|create [--template,-t] [--force] [--offline] [--prefer-offline] [--shell] [dir]', description: 'Initialize a fresh project' }, async invoke (args) { // Clone template const template = args.template || args.t || 'v3' const t = await downloadTemplate(template, { dir: args._[0] as string, force: args.force, offline: args.offline, preferOffline: args['prefer-offline'], registry: process.env.NUXI_INIT_REGISTRY || DEFAULT_REGISTRY }) // Show next steps const relativeDist = rpath(t.dir) // Write .nuxtrc with `shamefully-hoist=true` for pnpm const usingPnpm = (process.env.npm_config_user_agent || '').includes('pnpm') if (usingPnpm) { await writeFile(`${relativeDist}/.npmrc`, 'shamefully-hoist=true') } const nextSteps = [ ! && relativeDist.length > 1 && `\`cd ${relativeDist}\``, 'Install dependencies with `npm install` or `yarn install` or `pnpm install`', 'Start development server with `npm run dev` or `yarn dev` or `pnpm run dev`' ].filter(Boolean) consola.log(`✨ Nuxt project is created with \`${}\` template. Next steps:`) for (const step of nextSteps) { consola.log(` › ${step}`) } if ( { startShell(t.dir) } } })