# Head Management Out-of-the-box, Nuxt provides good default values for `charset` and `viewport` meta tags, but you can override these if you need to, as well as customize other meta tags for your site in several different ways. :ReadMore{link="/api/configuration/nuxt.config#head"} ## `useHead` Composable Within your `setup` function, you can call `useHead` with an object of meta properties with keys corresponding to meta tags: `title`, `titleTemplate`, `base`, `script`, `style`, `meta` and `link`, as well as `htmlAttrs` and `bodyAttrs`. There are also two shorthand properties, `charset` and `viewport`, which set the corresponding meta tags. Alternatively, you can pass a function returning the object for reactive metadata. For example: ```vue ``` ::ReadMore{link="/api/composables/use-head"} :: ## Meta Components Nuxt provides `