# Overview Experience Nuxt 3 features on existing Nuxt 2 projects. ::alert If you're starting a fresh Nuxt 3 project, please skip this section and go to [Nuxt 3 Installation](/docs/getting-started/introduction). :: ::alert{type=warning} Nuxt Bridge provides identical features to Nuxt 3 ([docs](/docs/guide/concepts/auto-imports)) but there are some limitations, notably that `useAsyncData` and `useFetch` composables are not available. Please read the rest of this page for details. :: Bridge is a forward-compatibility layer that allows you to experience many of the new Nuxt 3 features by simply installing and enabling a Nuxt module. Using Nuxt Bridge, you can make sure your project is (almost) ready for Nuxt 3 and have the best developer experience without needing a major rewrite or risk breaking changes. ## Upgrade Nuxt 2 Make sure your dev server (`nuxt dev`) isn't running, remove any package lock files (`package-lock.json` and `yarn.lock`), and install the latest Nuxt 2 version: ```diff [package.json] - "nuxt": "^2.16.3" + "nuxt": "^2.17.0" ``` Then, reinstall your dependencies: ::code-group ```bash [Yarn] yarn install ``` ```bash [npm] npm install ``` :: ::alert Once the installation is complete, make sure both development and production builds are working as expected before proceeding. :: ## Install Nuxt Bridge Install `@nuxt/bridge-edge` as a development dependency: ::code-group ```bash [Yarn] yarn add --dev @nuxt/bridge@npm:@nuxt/bridge-edge ``` ```bash [npm] npm install -D @nuxt/bridge@npm:@nuxt/bridge-edge ``` :: ## Update Your Scripts You will also need to update your scripts within your `package.json` to reflect the fact that Nuxt will now produce a Nitro server as build output. ### Nuxi Nuxt 3 introduced the new Nuxt CLI command [`nuxi`](/docs/api/commands/add). Update your scripts as follows to leverage the better support from Nuxt Bridge: ```diff { "scripts": { - "dev": "nuxt", + "dev": "nuxi dev", - "build": "nuxt build", + "build": "nuxi build", - "start": "nuxt start", + "start": "nuxi preview" } } ``` ::alert If `nitro: false`, use the `nuxt` command. :: ### Static Target If you have set `target: 'static'` in your `nuxt.config` then you need to ensure that you update your build script to be `nuxi generate`. ```json [package.json] { "scripts": { "build": "nuxi generate" } } ``` ### Server Target For all other situations, you can use the `nuxi build` command. ```json [package.json] { "scripts": { "build": "nuxi build", "start": "nuxi preview" } } ``` ## Update `nuxt.config` Please make sure to avoid any CommonJS syntax such as `module.exports`, `require` or `require.resolve` in your config file. It will soon be deprecated and unsupported. You can use static `import`, dynamic `import()` and `export default` instead. Using TypeScript by renaming to `nuxt.config.ts` is also possible and recommended. ```ts [nuxt.config.js|ts] import { defineNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/bridge' export default defineNuxtConfig({ // Your existing configuration }) ``` ## Update `tsconfig.json` If you are using TypeScript, you can edit your `tsconfig.json` to benefit from auto-generated Nuxt types: ```diff [tsconfig.json] { + "extends": "./.nuxt/tsconfig.json", "compilerOptions": { ... } } ``` ::alert As `.nuxt/tsconfig.json` is generated and not checked into version control, you'll need to generate that file before running your tests. Add `nuxi prepare` as a step before your tests, otherwise you'll see `TS5083: Cannot read file '~/.nuxt/tsconfig.json'` :: ::alert You may also need to add `@vue/runtime-dom` as a devDependency if you are struggling to get template type inference working with [Volar](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Vue.volar). :: ::alert Keep in mind that all options extended from `./.nuxt/tsconfig.json` will be overwritten by the options defined in your `tsconfig.json`. Overwriting options such as `"compilerOptions.paths"` with your own configuration will lead TypeScript to not factor in the module resolutions from `./.nuxt/tsconfig.json`. This can lead to module resolutions such as `#imports` not being recognized. In case you need to extend options provided by `./.nuxt/tsconfig.json` further, you can use the `alias` property withing your `nuxt.config`. `nuxi` will pick them up and extend `./.nuxt/tsconfig.json` accordingly. :: ## Update Runtime Config Nuxt 3 approaches runtime config differently than Nuxt 2, using a new combined `runtimeConfig` option. First, you'll need to combine your `publicRuntimeConfig` and `privateRuntimeConfig` properties into a new one called `runtimeConfig`, with the public config within a key called `public`. ```diff // nuxt.config.js - privateRuntimeConfig: { - apiKey: process.env.NUXT_API_KEY || 'super-secret-key' - }, - publicRuntimeConfig: { - websiteURL: 'https://public-data.com' - } + runtimeConfig: { + apiKey: process.env.NUXT_API_KEY || 'super-secret-key', + public: { + websiteURL: 'https://public-data.com' + } + } ``` This also means that when you need to access public runtime config, it's behind a property called `public`. If you use public runtime config, you'll need to update your code. ```diff // MyWidget.vue - <div>Website: {{ $config.websiteURL }}</div> + <div>Website: {{ $config.public.websiteURL }}</div> ``` ## Migrate Composition API If you were using `@vue/composition-api` or `@nuxtjs/composition-api`, please read the [composition api migration guide](/docs/bridge/bridge-composition-api). ### Migrate from CommonJS to ESM Nuxt 3 natively supports TypeScript and ECMAScript Modules. Please check [Native ES Modules](/docs/guide/concepts/esm) for more info and upgrading. ## Remove Incompatible and Obsolete Modules - Remove `@nuxt/content` (1.x). A rewrite for Nuxt 3 [is available](https://content.nuxtjs.org/) (2.x) - Remove `nuxt-vite`: Bridge enables same functionality - Remove `@nuxt/typescript-build`: Bridge enables same functionality - Remove `@nuxt/typescript-runtime` and `nuxt-ts`: Nuxt 2 has built-in runtime support - Remove `@nuxt/nitro`: Bridge injects same functionality - Remove `@vue/composition-api` from your dependencies ([migration guide](/docs/bridge/bridge-composition-api)). - Remove `@nuxtjs/composition-api` from your dependencies (and from your modules in `nuxt.config`) ([migration guide](/docs/bridge/bridge-composition-api)). ## Exclude Built Nitro Folder From Git Add the folder `.output` to the `.gitignore` file. ## Ensure Everything Goes Well ✔️ Try with `nuxi dev` and `nuxi build` (or `nuxi generate`) to see if everything goes well. 🐛 Is something wrong? Please let us know by creating an issue. Also, you can easily disable the bridge in the meantime: ```ts [nuxt.config.js|ts] import { defineNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/bridge' export default defineNuxtConfig({ bridge: false // Temporarily disable bridge integration }) ``` ## New Plugins Format (Optional) You can now migrate to the Nuxt 3 plugins API, which is slightly different in format from Nuxt 2. Plugins now take only one argument (`nuxtApp`). You can find out more in [the docs](/docs/guide/directory-structure/plugins). ```js export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => { nuxtApp.provide('injected', () => 'my injected function') // now available on `nuxtApp.$injected` }) ``` ::alert If you want to use the new Nuxt composables (such as `useNuxtApp` or `useRuntimeConfig`) within your plugins, you will need to use the `defineNuxtPlugin` helper for those plugins. :: ::alert{type=warning} Although a compatibility interface is provided via `nuxtApp.vueApp` you should avoid registering plugins, directives, mixins or components this way without adding your own logic to ensure they are not installed more than once, or this may cause a memory leak. :: ## New Middleware Format (Optional) You can now migrate to the Nuxt 3 middleware API, which is slightly different in format from Nuxt 2. Middleware now take only two argument (`to`, `from`). You can find out more in [the docs](/docs/guide/directory-structure/middleware). ```js export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to) => { if (to.path !== '/') { return navigateTo('/') } }) ``` ::alert{type=warning} Use of `defineNuxtRouteMiddleware` is not supported outside of the middleware directory. :: ::alert{type=warning} Nuxt Bridge does not support `definePageMeta`. :: ## New `useHead` (Optional) Nuxt Bridge provides a new Nuxt 3 meta API that can be accessed with a new `useHead` composable. ```vue <script setup> useHead({ title: 'My Nuxt App', }) </script> ``` You will also need to enable this feature explicitly in your `nuxt.config`: ```js import { defineNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/bridge' export default defineNuxtConfig({ bridge: { meta: true } }) ``` ::alert This `useHead` composable uses `@vueuse/head` under the hood (rather than `vue-meta`) to manipulate your `<head>`. You need to add `@vueuse/head` to your package.json file for it to work properly. :: ::alert{type=warning} We recommend not using the native Nuxt 2 `head()` properties in addition to `useHead`, as they may conflict. :: For more information on how to use this composable, see [the docs](/docs/getting-started/seo-meta). ## Feature Flags You can optionally disable some features from bridge or opt-in to less stable ones. In normal circumstances, it is always best to stick with defaults! You can check [bridge/src/module.ts](https://github.com/nuxt/bridge/blob/main/packages/bridge/src/module.ts) for latest defaults. ```ts [nuxt.config.js|ts] import { defineNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/bridge' export default defineNuxtConfig({ bridge: { // -- Opt-in features -- // Use Vite as the bundler instead of webpack 4 // vite: true, // Enable Nuxt 3 compatible useHead // meta: true, // -- Default features -- // Use legacy server instead of Nitro // nitro: false, // Disable Nuxt 3 compatible `nuxtApp` interface // app: false, // Disable Composition API support // capi: false, // ... or just disable legacy Composition API support // capi: { // legacy: false // }, // Do not transpile modules // transpile: false, // Disable <script setup> support // scriptSetup: false, // Disable composables auto importing // imports: false, // Do not warn about module incompatibilities // constraints: false }, vite: { // Config for Vite } }) ```