import { Ref, watch } from 'vue' import { parse, serialize, CookieParseOptions, CookieSerializeOptions } from 'cookie-es' import { appendHeader } from 'h3' import type { CompatibilityEvent } from 'h3' import destr from 'destr' import { useRequestEvent } from './ssr' import { wrapInRef } from './utils' import { useNuxtApp } from '#app' type _CookieOptions = Omit export interface CookieOptions extends _CookieOptions { decode?(value: string): T encode?(value: T): string; default?: () => T | Ref } export interface CookieRef extends Ref {} const CookieDefaults: CookieOptions = { path: '/', decode: val => destr(decodeURIComponent(val)), encode: val => encodeURIComponent(typeof val === 'string' ? val : JSON.stringify(val)) } export function useCookie (name: string, _opts?: CookieOptions): CookieRef { const opts = { ...CookieDefaults, ..._opts } const cookies = readRawCookies(opts) const cookie = wrapInRef(cookies[name] ?? opts.default?.()) if (process.client) { watch(cookie, () => { writeClientCookie(name, cookie.value, opts as CookieSerializeOptions) }) } else if (process.server) { const initialValue = cookie.value const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp() nuxtApp.hooks.hookOnce('app:rendered', () => { if (cookie.value !== initialValue) { writeServerCookie(useRequestEvent(nuxtApp), name, cookie.value, opts) } }) } return cookie as CookieRef } function readRawCookies (opts: CookieOptions = {}): Record { if (process.server) { return parse(useRequestEvent()?.req.headers.cookie || '', opts) } else if (process.client) { return parse(document.cookie, opts) } } function serializeCookie (name: string, value: any, opts: CookieSerializeOptions = {}) { if (value === null || value === undefined) { return serialize(name, value, { ...opts, maxAge: -1 }) } return serialize(name, value, opts) } function writeClientCookie (name: string, value: any, opts: CookieSerializeOptions = {}) { if (process.client) { document.cookie = serializeCookie(name, value, opts) } } function writeServerCookie (event: CompatibilityEvent, name: string, value: any, opts: CookieSerializeOptions = {}) { if (event) { // TODO: Try to smart join with existing Set-Cookie headers appendHeader(event, 'Set-Cookie', serializeCookie(name, value, opts)) } }