import { isReadonly, reactive, shallowReactive, shallowRef } from 'vue' import type { Ref } from 'vue' import type { RouteLocation, Router, RouterScrollBehavior } from '#vue-router' import { START_LOCATION, createMemoryHistory, createRouter, createWebHashHistory, createWebHistory } from '#vue-router' import { createError } from 'h3' import { withoutBase } from 'ufo' import type { PageMeta, Plugin, RouteMiddleware } from '../../../app/index' import { defineNuxtPlugin, useRuntimeConfig } from '#app/nuxt' import { clearError, showError, useError } from '#app/composables/error' import { useState } from '#app/composables/state' import { navigateTo } from '#app/composables/router' // @ts-expect-error virtual file import _routes from '#build/routes' // @ts-expect-error virtual file import routerOptions from '#build/router.options' // @ts-expect-error virtual file import { globalMiddleware, namedMiddleware } from '#build/middleware' // function createCurrentLocation ( base: string, location: Location, renderedPath?: string ): string { const { pathname, search, hash } = location // allows hash bases like #, /#, #/, #!, #!/, /#!/, or even /folder#end const hashPos = base.indexOf('#') if (hashPos > -1) { const slicePos = hash.includes(base.slice(hashPos)) ? base.slice(hashPos).length : 1 let pathFromHash = hash.slice(slicePos) // prepend the starting slash to hash so the url starts with /# if (pathFromHash[0] !== '/') { pathFromHash = '/' + pathFromHash } return withoutBase(pathFromHash, '') } const path = renderedPath || withoutBase(pathname, base) return path + (path.includes('?') ? '' : search) + hash } const plugin: Plugin<{ router: Router }> = defineNuxtPlugin({ name: 'nuxt:router', enforce: 'pre', async setup (nuxtApp) { let routerBase = useRuntimeConfig().app.baseURL if (routerOptions.hashMode && !routerBase.includes('#')) { // allow the user to provide a `#` in the middle: `/base/#/app` routerBase += '#' } const history = routerOptions.history?.(routerBase) ?? (process.client ? (routerOptions.hashMode ? createWebHashHistory(routerBase) : createWebHistory(routerBase)) : createMemoryHistory(routerBase) ) const routes = routerOptions.routes?.(_routes) ?? _routes let startPosition: Parameters[2] | null const initialURL = process.server ? nuxtApp.ssrContext!.url : createCurrentLocation(routerBase, window.location, nuxtApp.payload.path) const router = createRouter({ ...routerOptions, scrollBehavior: (to, from, savedPosition) => { if (from === START_LOCATION) { startPosition = savedPosition return } // reset scroll behavior to initial value router.options.scrollBehavior = routerOptions.scrollBehavior return routerOptions.scrollBehavior?.(to, START_LOCATION, startPosition || savedPosition) }, history, routes }) nuxtApp.vueApp.use(router) const previousRoute = shallowRef(router.currentRoute.value) router.afterEach((_to, from) => { previousRoute.value = from }) Object.defineProperty(nuxtApp.vueApp.config.globalProperties, 'previousRoute', { get: () => previousRoute.value }) // Allows suspending the route object until page navigation completes const _route = shallowRef(router.resolve(initialURL) as RouteLocation) const syncCurrentRoute = () => { _route.value = router.currentRoute.value } nuxtApp.hook('page:finish', syncCurrentRoute) router.afterEach((to, from) => { // We won't trigger suspense if the component is reused between routes // so we need to update the route manually if (to.matched[0]?.components?.default === from.matched[0]?.components?.default) { syncCurrentRoute() } }) // const route = {} as RouteLocation for (const key in _route.value) { Object.defineProperty(route, key, { get: () => _route.value[key as keyof RouteLocation] }) } nuxtApp._route = shallowReactive(route) nuxtApp._middleware = nuxtApp._middleware || { global: [], named: {} } const error = useError() try { if (process.server) { await router.push(initialURL) } await router.isReady() } catch (error: any) { // We'll catch 404s here await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(error)) } const initialLayout = useState('_layout') router.beforeEach(async (to, from) => { to.meta = reactive(to.meta) if (nuxtApp.isHydrating && initialLayout.value && !isReadonly(to.meta.layout)) { to.meta.layout = initialLayout.value as Exclude } nuxtApp._processingMiddleware = true if (process.client || !nuxtApp.ssrContext?.islandContext) { type MiddlewareDef = string | RouteMiddleware const middlewareEntries = new Set([...globalMiddleware,]) for (const component of to.matched) { const componentMiddleware = component.meta.middleware as MiddlewareDef | MiddlewareDef[] if (!componentMiddleware) { continue } if (Array.isArray(componentMiddleware)) { for (const entry of componentMiddleware) { middlewareEntries.add(entry) } } else { middlewareEntries.add(componentMiddleware) } } for (const entry of middlewareEntries) { const middleware = typeof entry === 'string' ? nuxtApp._middleware.named[entry] || await namedMiddleware[entry]?.().then((r: any) => r.default || r) : entry if (!middleware) { if ( { throw new Error(`Unknown route middleware: '${entry}'. Valid middleware: ${Object.keys(namedMiddleware).map(mw => `'${mw}'`).join(', ')}.`) } throw new Error(`Unknown route middleware: '${entry}'.`) } const result = await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => middleware(to, from)) if (process.server || (!nuxtApp.payload.serverRendered && nuxtApp.isHydrating)) { if (result === false || result instanceof Error) { const error = result || createError({ statusCode: 404, statusMessage: `Page Not Found: ${initialURL}` }) await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(error)) return false } } if (result || result === false) { return result } } } }) router.onError(() => { delete nuxtApp._processingMiddleware }) router.afterEach(async (to, _from, failure) => { delete nuxtApp._processingMiddleware if (process.client && !nuxtApp.isHydrating && error.value) { // Clear any existing errors await nuxtApp.runWithContext(clearError) } if (process.server && failure?.type === 4 /* ErrorTypes.NAVIGATION_ABORTED */) { return } if (to.matched.length === 0 && (!process.server || !nuxtApp.ssrContext?.islandContext)) { await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(createError({ statusCode: 404, fatal: false, statusMessage: `Page not found: ${to.fullPath}` }))) } else if (process.server && to.redirectedFrom && to.fullPath !== initialURL) { await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => navigateTo(to.fullPath || '/')) } }) nuxtApp.hooks.hookOnce('app:created', async () => { try { await router.replace({ ...router.resolve(initialURL), name: undefined, // #4920, #4982 force: true }) // reset scroll behavior to initial value router.options.scrollBehavior = routerOptions.scrollBehavior } catch (error: any) { // We'll catch middleware errors or deliberate exceptions here await nuxtApp.runWithContext(() => showError(error)) } }) return { provide: { router } } } }) export default plugin