import path from 'path' import consola from 'consola' import hash from 'hash-sum' import fs from 'fs-extra' import properlock from 'proper-lockfile' import onExit from 'signal-exit' export const lockPaths = new Set() export const defaultLockOptions = { stale: 30000, onCompromised: err => consola.warn(err) } export function getLockOptions(options) { return Object.assign({}, defaultLockOptions, options) } export function createLockPath({ id = 'nuxt', dir, root }) { const sum = hash(`${root}-${dir}`) return path.resolve(root, 'node_modules/.cache/nuxt', `${id}-lock-${sum}`) } export async function getLockPath(config) { const lockPath = createLockPath(config) // the lock is created for the lockPath as ${lockPath}.lock // so the (temporary) lockPath needs to exist await fs.ensureDir(lockPath) return lockPath } export async function lock({ id, dir, root, options }) { const lockPath = await getLockPath({ id, dir, root }) try { const locked = await properlock.check(lockPath) if (locked) { consola.fatal(`A lock with id '${id}' already exists on ${dir}`) } } catch (e) { consola.debug(`Check for an existing lock with id '${id}' on ${dir} failed`, e) } let lockWasCompromised = false let release try { options = getLockOptions(options) const onCompromised = options.onCompromised options.onCompromised = (err) => { onCompromised(err) lockWasCompromised = true } release = await properlock.lock(lockPath, options) } catch (e) {} if (!release) { consola.warn(`Unable to get a lock with id '${id}' on ${dir} (but will continue)`) return false } if (!lockPaths.size) { // make sure to always cleanup our temporate lockPaths onExit(() => { for (const lockPath of lockPaths) { fs.removeSync(lockPath) } }) } lockPaths.add(lockPath) return async function lockRelease() { try { await fs.remove(lockPath) lockPaths.delete(lockPath) // release as last so the lockPath is still removed // when it fails on a compromised lock await release() } catch (e) { if (!lockWasCompromised || !e.message.includes('already released')) { consola.debug(e) return } // proper-lockfile doesnt remove lockDir when lock is compromised // removing it here could cause the 'other' process to throw an error // as well, but in our case its much more likely the lock was // compromised due to mtime update timeouts const lockDir = `${lockPath}.lock` if (await fs.exists(lockDir)) { await fs.remove(lockDir) } } } }