# State Nuxt provides `useState` to create a globally shared state. ## `useState` Within your pages, components and plugins you can use `useState`. It can be used to create your own store implementation. You can think of it as an SSR-friendly ref in that its value will be hydrated (preserved) after server-side rendering. It is shared across all components. ### Usage ```js useState(key: string, init?: () => T): Ref ``` * **key**: a unique key ensuring that data fetching can be properly de-duplicated across requests * **init**: a function that provides initial value for the state when it's not initiated ### Example In this example, we use a server-only plugin to find about request locale. ```ts [plugins/locale.server.ts] import { defineNuxtPlugin, useState } from '#app' export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxt) => { const locale = useState( 'locale', () => nuxt.ssrContext.req.headers['accept-language']?.split(',')[0] ) }) ``` ```vue ```