import { expect } from 'vitest' import type { Page } from 'playwright' import { createPage, getBrowser, url, useTestContext } from '@nuxt/test-utils' export async function renderPage (path = '/') { const ctx = useTestContext() if (!ctx.options.browser) { throw new Error('`renderPage` require `options.browser` to be set') } const browser = await getBrowser() const page = await browser.newPage({}) const pageErrors: Error[] = [] const consoleLogs: { type: string, text: string }[] = [] page.on('console', (message) => { consoleLogs.push({ type: message.type(), text: message.text() }) }) page.on('pageerror', (err) => { pageErrors.push(err) }) if (path) { await page.goto(url(path), { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }) } return { page, pageErrors, consoleLogs } } export async function expectNoClientErrors (path: string) { const ctx = useTestContext() if (!ctx.options.browser) { return } const { pageErrors, consoleLogs } = (await renderPage(path))! const consoleLogErrors = consoleLogs.filter(i => i.type === 'error') const consoleLogWarnings = consoleLogs.filter(i => i.type === 'warning') expect(pageErrors).toEqual([]) expect(consoleLogErrors).toEqual([]) expect(consoleLogWarnings).toEqual([]) } export async function withLogs (callback: (page: Page, logs: string[]) => Promise<void>) { let done = false const page = await createPage() const logs: string[] = [] page.on('console', (msg) => { const text = msg.text() if (done) { throw new Error('Test finished prematurely') } logs.push(text) }) try { await callback(page, logs) } finally { done = true } }