import { waitForHydration } from '@nuxt/test-utils/e2e' import { test as base, expect as baseExpect } from '@nuxt/test-utils/playwright' import type { Page } from '@playwright/test' import { fetch } from 'ofetch' import { joinURL } from 'ufo' const test = base.extend<{ fetch: (path: string) => Promise }>({ fetch: ({ request, _nuxtHooks }, use) => { use(async (path) => { let res: Response | undefined do { res = await fetch(joinURL(_nuxtHooks.ctx.url!, path), { headers: { 'accept': 'text/html' }, signal: AbortSignal.timeout(1000), }).catch(() => undefined) } while (!res || res?.status === 503 || res?.status === 500) if (!res) { await request.get(path, { headers: { 'accept': 'text/html' } }) } return res }) }, }) test.use({ page: ({ page }, use) => { const consoleLogs: Array<{ type: string, text: string }> = [] page.on('console', (msg) => { consoleLogs.push({ type: msg.type(), text: msg.text(), }) }) // @ts-expect-error untyped page._consoleLogs = consoleLogs return use(page) }, goto: ({ page }, use) => { use(async (path, options) => { const result = await page.goto(path, options as any) await waitForHydration(page, path, 'hydration') return result }) }, }) const expect = baseExpect.extend({ // Utility function to wait for a condition to be true async toBeWithPolling ( getter: () => Promise | T, expected: T | ((val: T) => boolean) = true as T, options: { timeout?: number, interval?: number, message?: string } = {}, ) { const { timeout = 8000, interval = 300 } = options const startTime = let lastValue: T | undefined let lastError: Error | undefined // Create a matcher function const matcher = typeof expected === 'function' ? expected as ((val: T) => boolean) : (val: T) => val === expected let pass = false while ( - startTime < timeout) { try { lastValue = await getter() if (matcher(lastValue)) { pass = true break } } catch (err) { lastError = err as Error } // Wait before next attempt await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, interval)) } const message = options.message || `Timed out after ${timeout}ms waiting for condition to be met.` // if (lastError) { // throw new Error(`${errorMessage}\nLast error: ${lastError.message}`) // } // throw new Error(`${errorMessage}\nExpected: ${expected}\nReceived: ${lastValue!}`) return { message: () => pass ? '' : lastError ? `${message}\nLast error: ${lastError.message}` : `${message}\nExpected: ${expected}\nReceived: ${lastValue!}`, pass, name: 'toBeWithPolling', expected, actual: lastValue, } }, toHaveNoErrorsOrWarnings (page: Page) { // @ts-expect-error untyped const consoleLogs: Array<{ text: string, type: string }> = page._consoleLogs const errorLogs = consoleLogs.filter(log => log.type === 'error' || (log.type === 'warning' && !log.text.includes('webpack/hot/dev-server'))) const pass = errorLogs.length === 0 const message = pass ? '' : `Found error logs: ${ => log.text).join('\n')}` return { message: () => message, pass, name: 'toHaveNoErrorsOrWarnings', expected: [], actual: errorLogs, } }, }) export { test, expect }