import { defineAlias } from '@nuxt/utils' import { getNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/config' import { Server } from '@nuxt/server' import Nuxt from '../src/nuxt' import ModuleContainer from '../src/module' import Hookable from '../src/hookable' import Resolver from '../src/resolver' import { version } from '../package.json' jest.mock('@nuxt/utils') jest.mock('@nuxt/server') jest.mock('@nuxt/config', () => ({ getNuxtConfig: jest.fn(() => ({ _ready: false })) })) describe('core: nuxt', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) test('should construct nuxt with options', async () => { const options = {} const nuxt = new Nuxt(options) await nuxt.ready() expect(nuxt).toBeInstanceOf(Hookable) expect(getNuxtConfig).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(getNuxtConfig).toBeCalledWith(options) expect(nuxt.resolver).toBeInstanceOf(Resolver) expect(nuxt.moduleContainer).toBeInstanceOf(ModuleContainer) expect(nuxt.server).toBeInstanceOf(Server) expect(nuxt._deprecatedHooks).toEqual({ 'render:context': 'render:routeContext', 'render:routeContext': 'vue-renderer:afterRender', 'showReady': 'webpack:done' }) expect(defineAlias).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(defineAlias).nthCalledWith(1, nuxt, nuxt.resolver, ['resolveAlias', 'resolvePath']) expect(defineAlias).nthCalledWith(2, nuxt, nuxt.server, ['renderRoute', 'renderAndGetWindow', 'listen']) expect(nuxt.renderer).toBe(nuxt.server) expect(nuxt.render).toBe( expect(nuxt.showReady).toBeInstanceOf(Function) expect(nuxt._ready).toBeInstanceOf(Promise) }) // TODO: Remove in next major release test('should call hook webpack:done in showReady', () => { const nuxt = new Nuxt() nuxt.callHook = jest.fn() nuxt.showReady() expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledWith('webpack:done') }) test('should display fatal message if ready failed', async () => { const err = new Error('nuxt ready failed') const nuxt = new Nuxt() nuxt._init = () => Promise.reject(err) await expect(nuxt.ready()).rejects.toThrow(err) }) test('should return nuxt version from package.json', () => { expect(Nuxt.version).toEqual(`v${version}`) }) test('should return nuxt version from global.__NUXT', () => { global.__NUXT = { version: 'latest' } expect(Nuxt.version).toEqual('latest') delete global.__NUXT }) test('should call module/server ready in nuxt.ready', async () => { const nuxt = new Nuxt() nuxt.callHook = jest.fn() nuxt.server = { ready: jest.fn() } nuxt.moduleContainer = { ready: jest.fn() } const result = await nuxt.ready() expect(result).toBe(nuxt) expect(nuxt.moduleContainer.ready).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.server.ready).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt._initCalled).toEqual(true) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledWith('ready', nuxt) }) test('should ignore ready when _ready exists', async () => { const nuxt = new Nuxt() const _ready = nuxt._ready = jest.fn() const result = await nuxt.ready() expect(result).toBe(_ready) }) test('should add object hooks', async () => { const hooks = {} getNuxtConfig.mockReturnValueOnce({ hooks, _ready: false }) const nuxt = new Nuxt() nuxt.addHooks = jest.fn() nuxt.server = { ready: jest.fn() } nuxt.moduleContainer = { ready: jest.fn() } await nuxt.ready() expect(nuxt.addHooks).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.addHooks).toBeCalledWith(hooks) }) test('should add function hooks', async () => { const hooks = jest.fn() getNuxtConfig.mockReturnValueOnce({ hooks }) const nuxt = new Nuxt() nuxt.addHooks = jest.fn() nuxt.server = { ready: jest.fn() } nuxt.moduleContainer = { ready: jest.fn() } await nuxt.ready() expect(nuxt.addHooks).not.toBeCalled() expect(hooks).toBeCalledTimes(1) }) test('should close nuxt with hook triggered', async () => { const nuxt = new Nuxt() nuxt.callHook = jest.fn() nuxt.clearHooks = jest.fn() const cb = jest.fn() await nuxt.close(cb) expect(cb).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledWith('close', nuxt) expect(nuxt.clearHooks).toBeCalledTimes(1) }) test('should ignore non-function callback in close', async () => { const nuxt = new Nuxt() nuxt.callHook = jest.fn() nuxt.server = { ready: jest.fn() } nuxt.moduleContainer = { ready: jest.fn() } const result = await nuxt.ready() expect(result).toBe(nuxt) expect(nuxt.moduleContainer.ready).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.server.ready).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt._initCalled).toEqual(true) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledWith('ready', nuxt) }) test('should ignore non-function callback in close', async () => { const nuxt = new Nuxt() nuxt.callHook = jest.fn() nuxt.clearHooks = jest.fn() const cb = {} await nuxt.close(cb) expect(nuxt.callHook).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(nuxt.clearHooks).toBeCalledTimes(1) }) })