<template> <div> <Head> <Title>Basic fixture</Title> </Head> <h1>Hello Nuxt 3!</h1> <div>RuntimeConfig | testConfig: {{ config.public.testConfig }}</div> <div>Composable | foo: {{ foo }}</div> <div>Composable | bar: {{ bar }}</div> <div>Composable | template: {{ templateAutoImport }}</div> <div>Composable | star: {{ useNestedBar() }}</div> <DevOnly>Some dev-only info</DevOnly> <div><DevOnly>Some dev-only info</DevOnly></div> <div> <DevOnly> Some dev-only info <template #fallback> Some prod-only info </template> </DevOnly> </div> <div>Path: {{ $route.fullPath }}</div> <NuxtLink to="/"> Link </NuxtLink> <NuxtLink id="islands" to="/islands" > islands </NuxtLink> <NuxtLink id="to-immediate-remove-unmounted" to="/useAsyncData/immediate-remove-unmounted" > Immediate remove unmounted </NuxtLink> <NuxtLink to="/chunk-error" :prefetch="false" > Chunk error </NuxtLink> <NuxtLink id="to-client-only-components" to="/client-only-components" > createClientOnly() </NuxtLink> <NuxtLink id="middleware-abort-non-fatal" to="/middleware-abort-non-fatal" :prefetch="false" > Middleware abort navigation </NuxtLink> <NuxtLink id="middleware-abort-non-fatal-error" to="/middleware-abort-non-fatal?error=someerror" :prefetch="false" > Middleware abort navigation with error </NuxtLink> Some value: {{ someValue }} <button @click="someValue++"> Increment state </button> <NuxtLink to="/no-scripts"> to no script </NuxtLink> <NestedCounter :multiplier="2" /> <CustomComponent /> <component :is="`global${'-'.toString()}sync`" /> <Spin>Test</Spin> <component :is="`test${'-'.toString()}global`" /> <component :is="`with${'-'.toString()}suffix`" /> <ClientWrapped ref="clientRef" style="color: red;" class="client-only" /> <ServerOnlyComponent class="server-only" style="background-color: gray;" /> <NuxtLink to="/big-page-1"> to big 1 </NuxtLink> </div> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { setupDevtoolsPlugin } from '@vue/devtools-api' import { useRuntimeConfig } from '#imports' import { importedRE, importedValue } from '~/some-exports' setupDevtoolsPlugin({}, () => {}) as any const config = useRuntimeConfig() const someValue = useState('val', () => 1) const NestedCounter = resolveComponent('NestedCounter') if (!NestedCounter) { throw new Error('Component not found') } definePageMeta({ alias: '/some-alias', other: ref('test'), imported: importedValue, something: importedRE.test('an imported regex') }) // reset title template example useHead({ titleTemplate: '' }) const foo = useFoo() const bar = useBar() const clientRef = ref() onMounted(() => { clientRef.value.exposedFunc() }) </script>